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The power of the Ring Compels j00
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I hope to rework the DMT site on dreamweaver. That is the latest version so should be a good output. If anyone wishes to submit any sort of contribution to the site, or wants to have a go at making it. Post here


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

23.11.04 20:25
Post #1
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You need moe stuff on the website ThingeoX
01.12.04 02:18
Post #2
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Uh... Sonic.

Try and keep up. I'll give you the 411 (briefly)

ThingeoX isn't clan leader anymore. I was for about 20 mins until I was accepted into Contra. The clan DMT was then passed onto Pilki, who is thinking of merging WAN and DMT together.

Got it?


01.12.04 20:24
Post #3
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Wow. Thingeox gone? Still, for me, im still left with no clan :(:(:(
02.12.04 03:01
Post #4
Last edited: 02.12.04 03:06 (SegaSonic - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Bit of a stupid idea me bringing this back up but...
Pilki, how is the new site coming, I wouldn't mind having a gander (being a former DMT member of course)


10.04.05 04:31
Post #5
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