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Simple question with an easy answer.
Has DMT gone kaput?
I know ThingeoX's PC has recently died so he hasn't been on. I spoke to him breifly today.
But this clan hasn't had any thing dne to it for a while.
Note: DMT showing no activity put the DMT clan page on hold till I know if we are dead or not.
Just thought I'd add that if your still wondering about the site.

20.11.04 00:22 Post #1 | [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Hey Megalomaniac Send PM
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DMT IS really inactive nowadays. I only go on WN by request or the occasional quick scan (going in if I see anybody I know). Plus the site hasn't been updated for ages. The forum inactivity is to be expected. Most of the other clans that set up forums here aren't that active either  Plus I'm addicted to MP2. Once I beat it or get turned off by an extraordianarily hard boss, maybe I'll break free

Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me. |
20.11.04 02:06 Post #2 | [DA Gallery] [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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Well..i guess we are dead since my comp has broken down  but i will hand over my leadership to ne1 who feels they might want to restart DMT
20.11.04 20:35 Post #3 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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bloody hell  ppl i aint got the time ne more to be on this enough due to work and all the spare time i have now is being put to good use on rainbowsix 3 xbox online if you have this then my username is COMEDY DAVE, sorry to hear that the clan is now dead my final words "good game guys  "
luv ya like brothers
21.11.04 00:20 Post #4 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts: 2600
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Well I kinda could have guessed that the clan was dead.
But I'm sorry to hear that guys.
I'm sure if I didn't have so much college work and playing NFSU2 alot. I'm sure I could get DMT back-up and running again.
Actually, I'll see if I can get this website back-up and going and I'll take over Thingeox.
Anyone thinking of joing the new improved DMT clan?

21.11.04 15:44 Post #5 | [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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I hearby declare Runt as the New DMT clan leader  gl m8
21.11.04 20:46 Post #6 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts: 2600
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Uh... Slight problem
I hearby declare that this clan is dead. 
I've been accepted in Contra Clan and DMT is there for the taking.
Anyone? *waits for raise of hand*

21.11.04 21:20 Post #7 | [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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Cool, Dvious is finally alive. How longs it been?
21.11.04 22:00 Post #8 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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mmm not long enough lol as i said i have been working on this S8 clan thing and have so far managed this accross the playstation online, xbox live and the pc  ha ha very many games that i have taken this to but so much hard work with the members and stuff i will let you know how this goes, hay runt whats nfsu2 like? anygood? playstation or xbox?
22.11.04 22:50 Post #9 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts: 2600
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I've got it on PC and it rocks!
Gets a bit annoying after a while having to drive to different locatiosn for different types of races.
And to buy different parts. But it's still good though.
I take it no-one wants to take over DMT then since I'm not.

22.11.04 22:54 Post #10 | Last edited: 22.11.04 22:55 (Runt - 1 times) |
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The power of the Ring Compels j00 Send PM
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I know I am not a clan member here but.... if you want a clan leader. I stick my hand up.
EDIT: I only have wwp atm. so if I was leader. Runt would be a co-leader for W:A if thats ok
The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

23.11.04 13:28 Post #11 | Last edited: 23.11.04 13:31 (Pilki-AKA-Gollum - 1 times) |
[Free Motorola RAZR V3!] [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts: 2600
Threads: 106 Money: £29.56 (D) (+ Friend) 
I know I am not a clan member here but.... if you want a clan leader. I stick my hand up.
EDIT: I only have wwp atm. so if I was leader. Runt would be a co-leader for W:A if thats ok
If that happened, we would be going back to square one. But with a different leader.
Because I did used to be recruiter for W:A. But, I'm leaving DMT for good now. So..
I hereby declare Pilki-AKA-Gollum as new DMT clan leader. Good luck!

23.11.04 14:59 Post #12 | Last edited: 23.11.04 15:00 (Runt - 1 times) |
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The power of the Ring Compels j00 Send PM
 Posts: 645
Threads: 38 WWP Clan: DNA Mood: Evil - sometimes Money: £1440.47 (D) (+ Friend) 
I will need it. thankszorz!
The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

23.11.04 17:57 Post #13 | [Free Motorola RAZR V3!] [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts:
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strange that as thingeox started this and now its not even anything to do with him now lol o well, tell ya what i will still be in but i dont have a lot of time ne more so i will help out as much as poss with my old status if thats ok?
24.11.04 17:46 Post #14 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
The power of the Ring Compels j00 Send PM
 Posts: 645
Threads: 38 WWP Clan: DNA Mood: Evil - sometimes Money: £1440.47 (D) (+ Friend) 
Yeah that be np. If anyone would like to be appointed as recruiters for W:A and/or WWP pm me or post here
The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

25.11.04 11:13 Post #15 | [Free Motorola RAZR V3!] [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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