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Poll: pixel pets arena
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Acrap spelr
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i was dissa pointed when i bought the "!" i thought it would be like the mgs"!"
and other accessories to
i have an idea how about a pixel pets arena
of course it would have to be divided by the money and stuff
but if you win you get cash:D and if you lose nada
i think you could work it so that accessories make them stronger and stuff

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19.11.04 18:06
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you can actually view the acsessories befor you put them on.
And i actually took the big fucking exclamation marks from here to make it, i had to resize it inorder it to fit the set image size, did that occor to you?

19.11.04 18:08
Post #2
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: HarrY

you can actually view the acsessories befor you put them on.
And i actually took the big fucking exclamation marks from here to make it, i had to resize it inorder it to fit the set image size, did that occor to you?

no and how do i preview accessories
i could make a NES metal gear "!" but im lazy

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19.11.04 18:10
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iirc, you can't figure out how to feed other people's pixel pets, now, if you can't figure that one out i'm damn sure you wont beable to figure this doosey out.

19.11.04 18:15
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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actually i overfed psymons:lol:
hes missing money>:-E

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19.11.04 18:18
Post #5
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Why have you made anonther pixel pet thread, there are already 2 or 3...
19.11.04 18:28
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Quoted :: VisioN

Why have you made anonther pixel pet thread, there are already 2 or 3...

Thats what I was just going to say, or you could make a thread in blamethesuggestions


The bunny owns you :>)
19.11.04 18:30
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19.11.04 18:39
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Just dont make them!
19.11.04 18:53
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Quoted :: minigunweilder


All you have to do is edit your thread and hit delete...


The bunny owns you :>)
19.11.04 19:13
Post #10
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Yeah you can just delete it yourself you know...8O

edit: and now it's just locked like the thousands of other locked threads... *sigh*

19.11.04 20:29
Post #11
Last edited: 20.11.04 08:22 (Khuzad - 1 times) [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote]

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