
BTForum » BlameTheOffTopic Forums » BlameTheJudges » Best. Worm. Extermination. Method. Finals

Poll: You're the hitman. How do you go about it?
Just sort of prod him off a cliff. 6 users
Concrete Donkey, and none of those cheap imitations. 4 users
The Salvation Army pays a visit to their very small house. 4 users
Abstain 0 votes
(14 votes have been cast so far)Poll Closed

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Well, here we are, the dream has become a reality. This is the last chance to shine. Which method do you think is the most skillful, the most stylish, or just plain morbid. One last jump into the breach, make me proud with your voting skillz.
17.11.04 00:25
Post #1
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Great Donkey Master
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I'm gonna vote prod on this one...and it looks like it might win the contest

17.11.04 06:52
Post #2
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Prod style. :D
17.11.04 15:48
Post #3
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[G]the candy man
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Concrete Donkey

ehhh orrrr
17.11.04 16:07
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The Concrete Donkey!

Its always funny to see you destroy your enemy with such a funny weapon


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

17.11.04 20:42
Post #5
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[G]the candy man
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when is the closing date?

close atm
17.11.04 20:48
Post #6
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I stand by my Salvation Army vote :P

Even though the Prod is funny. Donkey might be a bit too much in this case


17.11.04 20:58
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Close date is Friday.

And if you couldn't figure this one out, I voted for prod.
18.11.04 00:03
Post #8
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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Prod, definitely : nice, neat and efficient. :D


Artwork by the wishmaster.

18.11.04 10:42
Post #9
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Go'on the Sally army. Nothing is better than a musical death.

18.11.04 16:39
Post #10
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[G]the candy man
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Quoted :: psymon

Go'on the Sally army. Nothing is better than a musical death.

eehhhh orrrr is music ?
18.11.04 20:39
Post #11
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Concrete donkey! Squish the worm with statues from above! :x
19.11.04 00:28
Post #12
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Great Donkey Master
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Quoted :: The candy Man

Quoted :: psymon

Go'on the Sally army. Nothing is better than a musical death.

eehhhh orrrr is music ?

He's talking about Sally Army, not concrete donkey you idiot :P

Looks like prod is the winner of this contest, yays!

19.11.04 13:30
Post #13
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Yep. The polls are closed, the votes are counted, and all cards that still have chaff's on them were tar'd and fsck'd (little election 2000 joke :P). Prodding wins. All hail to the best wormicide invention since ever!
19.11.04 14:16
Post #14
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