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Simple question, really. What's the game you just can't wait for?

My answer shall be GTA San Andreas. Darn Rockstar for being so PS2-ish.
15.11.04 19:29
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Metroid Prime 2! Which comes out tomorrow, so I won't have to wait that long :P


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
15.11.04 22:43
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Half Life 2!
Out in 58 minutes of me writing this, and I'm going to wait outside the front of the shop like everyone else is :)


15.11.04 23:03
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Halo 2!
Oh wait... that already came out, didn't it...
In that case...
Gran Turismo 4!
16.11.04 01:37
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Kingdom Hearts Chains of Memories (GBA)
kingdom Hearts 2

16.11.04 02:09
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Half life 2


( bought from shop )
16.11.04 11:19
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[G]the candy man
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Half Life 2
Gta San ANdreas (already out)
hALO 2 (already out)

16.11.04 11:30
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Great Donkey Master
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Black & White 2!

16.11.04 14:29
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1. Next Console Zelda (GC)
2. Fire Emblem (GC)
3. The Next Splinter Cell
4. Half Life 2 (PC)
16.11.04 14:54
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At least i have chicken!
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San andreas rawks now im wating on half life 2


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

16.11.04 15:52
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Quoted :: clarkey252

im wating on half life 2

Half Life 2 was released today mate :P
I know becuase I got it at 00:03 this morning when the shops opened especially for it.
They did the same for Halo 2 aswell but I wasn't interested in that


16.11.04 16:19
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At least i have chicken!
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i know but i think that mite be on my xmas list :D


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

16.11.04 16:36
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I am waiting for:
Gran Turismo 4
Metal Gear Solid 3
Half life 2 (already out)


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

16.11.04 16:41
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My wish list is quite large, but they are quite spread apart so I'll be able to get the money.

Halflife2 (PC, Getting it for crimbo)
Timesplitters: Future Perfect(Ps2, Feb/march.)
Devil may cry3(Ps2, feb/march again)
Rag Doll Kung Fu(PC, Summer 2005)

16.11.04 16:45
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Hm, I want Sims The Urbz... :)
16.11.04 16:49
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