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Basically a thread which tells others your Internet Cable/56K...

All you have to do is post an image.
Mine...DSLAn image!
14.11.04 23:09
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I have Cable.

14.11.04 23:47
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posting the images is useless, it'll always be 100mbps if your using ethernet.

I have 750kbps down, 350kbps up.
14.11.04 23:56
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80 kb/s down
30 kb/s up


The bunny owns you :>)
15.11.04 01:08
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100mbps :|

15.11.04 01:53
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I get 52Kbps on a good day and 31.2Kbps on a bad day, usually in between. Stupid modem doesn't work like it should and New Zealand infostructure is maintained like those toilets on Trainspotting.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
15.11.04 05:05
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[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

tell me about it Bloopy:):)
I usualy get 49.9Kbps, rearly 51Kbps and 33.9Kbps
Look at picture and dont smile to other people's misery:D
15.11.04 07:52
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[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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my connection will be gettin upgraded to 2mbps soon, everyone that uses NTL is getting one hell of an upgrade

£14.99 - 300kbps to 1mbps
£24.99 - 750kbps to 2mbps
£34.99 - 1mbps to 3mbps

Move to NTL \o/
15.11.04 08:22
Post #8
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[G]the candy man
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yeah i heard.... big bonus eh ;)

15.11.04 09:12
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i usually get about 49kbps

right now im on the college comps. They are fast. Iirc a fibre optic connection to the uni network.
15.11.04 11:25
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I have 1 mbps down, 512kbps up.
15.11.04 12:25
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Quoted :: madknifa

my connection will be gettin upgraded to 2mbps soon, everyone that uses NTL is getting one hell of an upgrade

£14.99 - 300kbps to 1mbps
£24.99 - 750kbps to 2mbps
£34.99 - 1mbps to 3mbps

Move to NTL \o/

Can i take NTL as a seperate service to BT managing the actual phone lines? or do you have to have you phone lines with them too.

Can you also link to anything solid like dates or just confirmation.

Cos id pay 35 a month for 3mbps without the slightest quibble.

15.11.04 14:15
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An image!

10 Mbps

And yes, it's in danish...:roll:

15.11.04 14:35
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Quoted :: The Wishmaster

Quoted :: madknifa

my connection will be gettin upgraded to 2mbps soon, everyone that uses NTL is getting one hell of an upgrade

£14.99 - 300kbps to 1mbps
£24.99 - 750kbps to 2mbps
£34.99 - 1mbps to 3mbps

Move to NTL \o/

Can i take NTL as a seperate service to BT managing the actual phone lines? or do you have to have you phone lines with them too.

Can you also link to anything solid like dates or just confirmation.

Cos id pay 35 a month for 3mbps without the slightest quibble.


you have to pay an installation fee, thats all. I'm on a BT line up here ^^

also, tell us the KBPS you get, not what it says in the connection view. THAT TELLS USE NOTHING OTHER THAN YOU ARE USING ETHERNET/USB.

Thing about NTL upgrade:
15.11.04 15:55
Post #14
Last edited: 15.11.04 16:10 (Knifa - 1 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
At least i have chicken!
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what ever you do dont get NTL cablke its shit (the TV not the internet)


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

15.11.04 16:52
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