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why the hell is it only £.53 thats such a random number!?


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

21.11.04 22:41
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£3 for thread
£5 for file submitted
£.02 for every page broswed here
£.02-.06(or 7) for visiting the home part of BTP ("The Index Page")

edit to clarkys post before mine: its £.5 for the post, and £.03 for the next page being loaded
21.11.04 22:56
Post #32
Last edited: 21.11.04 22:58 (Pioneer322 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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The home page probably has multiple pages on it, which gives the # of hits for all those pages total. As for reloading and getting .53. You probably got .52 and the money just rounded up from a previous decimal.
22.11.04 22:55
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(back on topic-ness) This pack rocks! I really like the Space Balls Soundbank, as i have seen the film. The hamster fanfare is quite good as well.


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

23.11.04 13:25
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*points to the edit button*


The bunny owns you :>)
25.11.04 18:59
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Offtopic, but nice pre-sig inde.
You're better than anyone at btp at animating :O
Not at imaging altogether however =/ But best at animating..
25.11.04 22:34
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The exe file isn't working. I don't know why.

27.11.04 00:14
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27.11.04 01:46
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

The exe file isn't working. I don't know why.

You didn't get the whole file probably. Check to make sure that it's the exact same size as listed. This happens sometimes, even in Mozilla or with download managers (*gasp*). It even just happened to me today, I got an incomplete zip file, it was 500 KB too small :/.
Either that, or your computer just doesn't like 7zip archives/exes...
27.11.04 02:12
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I tried it with IE too and nothing worked :o

27.11.04 02:20
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But is the file actually the right size?
27.11.04 02:27
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Aah! Glenn, it's 0KB. it's doing that thing that happened with SoftBrain. I still couldn't fix that problem ;(

27.11.04 03:10
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I think you need to clear your cache out and attempt to redownload it, preferably with a download manager (if not, use Firefox). And remember, if you lose your connection to the server, you have to start over from the beginning, BTP is evil that way.
27.11.04 03:38
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Ok, I'll try that ans we'll see what happens

Edit: Didn't work :x

27.11.04 03:51
Post #44
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Then I guess your computer either hates you or hates 7zip files. Maybe you can get someone insane nice enough to send the pack over MSN. I won't do it though, it's just too big :/.
27.11.04 05:43
Post #45
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