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iTunes is ugly, use winamp like most other people
22.11.04 23:29
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I <3 WinAmp.
Takes up less screen space

23.11.04 00:59
Post #62
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True, but so does WMP9 and 10.
Minmizing it to task bar.
But I think we've established the fact that WMP is poo anyway :P


23.11.04 02:06
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Quoted :: Runt

True, but so does WMP9 and 10.
Minmizing it to task bar.
But I think we've established the fact that WMP is poo anyway :P

ACtually, I like WMP, it's actually compatable with my keyboard. But it's not compatable with SigX and it takes up alot of Memory.

25.11.04 02:40
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When you say compatible with your keyboard do you mean like a "play/pause" key and a "stop" key etc..?

Because for those to work in winamp you hav to enable to the global hotkeys thingy.


An image!

25.11.04 07:10
Post #65
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well if you have an ipod i think you have to use Itunes.....unless you wanna keep all your songs on it but still use winamp
25.11.04 08:08
Post #66
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You can get a plugin for Winamp to send your music to the iPod.
25.11.04 08:23
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I quite like WMP. I have WMP9 and it works rather well. However I would say that it often fcuk's up when burning songs onto CD. For my personal audio (a minidisc player) I use Sonicstage. Quite good, but quite a chunk out of the memory


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25.11.04 11:07
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WMP sucks because it's by Microsoft! And it comes with Windows, so it's a big competitor to Winamp.
25.11.04 14:06
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Quoted :: Pilki-AKA-Gollum

I quite like WMP. I have WMP9 and it works rather well. However I would say that it often fcuk's up when burning songs onto CD. For my personal audio (a minidisc player) I use Sonicstage. Quite good, but quite a chunk out of the memory

I have SStage as well, I don't use it though because it's a full screen proggy. Winamp only takes up about 1/3 with the Playlist manager up.

25.11.04 16:12
Post #70
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Quoted :: xEViLxCAtx

WMP sucks because it's by Microsoft!

So I guess you joined up on the retarded *microsoft bash wagon*? pft.
WMP 2 owns. If only it could support more
25.11.04 16:59
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lets all move to XMPlay! :D
27.11.04 01:54
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Xpanded Multi-player? (Thanks for reminding me, UTXMP Is out soon!)

27.11.04 08:02
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I'll be sticking to WinAmp

27.11.04 08:06
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XMPlay... its nawt an acroymn
27.11.04 15:06
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