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so you were banned, and then unbanned, and you then decide to screw up the site?

I find it difficult to believe that you could find pages of the website that i didnt even know about yet coulnt find the staff page which gives contact information for stuff like this.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
07.11.04 01:03
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Quoted :: ReadMe

so you were banned, and then unbanned, and you then decide to screw up the site?

I find it difficult to believe that you could find pages of the website that i didnt even know about yet coulnt find the staff page which gives contact information for stuff like this.

1. I didn't screw up the site.
2. I found a lot of admin pages by looking at profiles, and going to find new, and then typed in 9999999 hours to show me all the .php pages lol.
3. I didn't bother looking for someone to email lol.


The bunny owns you :>)
07.11.04 01:03
Post #17
Last edited: 07.11.04 01:10 (shrooms - 3 times) [Hide Sig (6)] [Profile] [Quote]
Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: shrooms

1. I didn't screw up the site.
2. I found a lot of admin pages by looking at profiles, and going to find new, and then typed in 9999999 hours to show me all the .php pages lol.
3. I didn't bother looking for someone to email lol.

1. Yeah, you did on certain pages
2. I look at peoples profiles because Im curious yet i dont see those kinds of pages on them,
why would you do that
3. ...riiight
07.11.04 01:10
Post #18
Last edited: 07.11.04 01:12 (Pioneer322 - 2 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Quoted :: shrooms

1. I didn't screw up the site.
2. I found a lot of admin pages by looking at profiles, and going to find new, and then typed in 9999999 hours to show me all the .php pages lol.
3. I didn't bother looking for someone to email lol.

1. Yeah, you did on certain pages
2. I look at peoples profiles because Im curious yet i dont see those kinds of pages on them,
why would you do that
3. ...right

1. I did it on ONE page askthepixel.php, and its fixed now
2. Because I was bored. And I've seen admin pages on a lot of peoples profiles, I was looking at madknifa's profile and found settax.php.
3. Yes, am I right, and why would I bother looking for someone to email when I can just make a topic?


The bunny owns you :>)
07.11.04 01:12
Post #19
Last edited: 07.11.04 01:14 (shrooms - 2 times) [Hide Sig (6)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I'm satisfied with all of those answer except the first - I'm going to lock the thread again but leave you with something to think about

Man 1: You killed him!
Man 2: No i didnt!
Man 3: You killed that guy over there.
Man2: Yeah, but it was only that one guy, and he's buried now anyway.

ring any bells?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
07.11.04 01:16
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