
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheSuggestions » Pixelpet Suggestion

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How about boredom levels?
Games to entertain our pixels.
They must get bored sat there waiting to be fed
all the time
^^ hint to reduce health dropping quickness ^^

[ did that sentence make any sense? ]


09.11.04 02:49
Post #16
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this isnt a friggen tamagotchee. that would take plenty of time to "play" with it (kinky?) and if u read before its being kept as it is for a while
09.11.04 04:47
Post #17
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Well, this is the Pixelpet Suggestion thread and I was making a suggestion


09.11.04 13:05
Post #18
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and we all thank you for it :P
10.11.04 04:32
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