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This may seem a bit random and probably be spam but wheres dj canada? Haven't heard from him in a while.
Is he on holiday or something? :?


29.10.04 18:22
Post #1
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hmm, he has been away for some time, maby he left btp when it was beign hacked and never cared to check back.....

29.10.04 18:31
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: HarrY

...mabye he left btp...

Well, if he has, nice of him to say bye then isn't it? :P


29.10.04 18:32
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He left after btp crashed over and over. He's on my msn and I don't think he's coming back unless we all email him to come back and tell him how great btp is.
29.10.04 20:04
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BTP isnt great. Yet..
Pet pixels need to be finished and BTP TV needs to be more active ;) Also, Kyle needs to die.
29.10.04 20:07
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Quoted :: Pioneer322
BTP isnt great. Yet..

30.10.04 09:02
Post #6
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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BTP has been great for a long time! It was great even before the new features!
30.10.04 10:30
Post #7
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Runt, your bg is the same colour that is used to show user names, i cant see the name,
30.10.04 10:40
Post #8
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People should force color of text when making these annoying bg's. I hide all sigs that draw a background.
30.10.04 13:57
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[G]the candy man
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Quoted :: VisioN

Runt, your bg is the same colour that is used to show user names, i cant see the name,

you can just highlite that bit of text and then you can see it....
although it would be easyer just to change the font colour
30.10.04 14:00
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So how can you change the background of a quote in your sig? :?

31.10.04 06:20
Post #11
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what DJs email ill email him and tell him BTP is betta>
02.11.04 00:34
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I'm not allowed to give it out =\
02.11.04 01:02
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Quoted :: C1

we all email him to come back and tell him how great btp is.

How are we gonna do this then ?


An image!

02.11.04 07:29
Post #14
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If he doesn't come back, thats just tough. But there are new ones who come everyday.

*Looks at latest member* :P
02.11.04 07:55
Post #15
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