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Poll: Would you use a reset button for life, how often?
Woulden't use it. 3 users
Woulden't use it much. 8 users
Everyday. 3 users
All the time. 2 users
I'd wear the button out. 3 users
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After being shouted at by resetti (animal crossing) for reseting the game without saving, I had wondered, if there was a reset button for life would you use it?

E.g. You have just said something to your mate that you wished you hadn't.

Vote on the poll!
29.10.04 13:11
Post #1
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it does sound stupid i know, but its true...

Ive put it in a spoiler Vis, its kind of s touchy subject given some members much younger age.

29.10.04 13:16
Post #2
Last edited: 29.10.04 13:21 (The Wishmaster - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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like holy shit vision...

i dont know if i should laugh or not! ( sorry )

Probs most people on this forum know i would have worm the button out, or my fingers to the bone pressing it.

Would it be a reset to Birth? cos that would rule.
Then again so would areas you could save...

29.10.04 13:19
Post #3
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Heh, if i reset my life, don't think i could do anything to change the ill-fortunes that i've had to indure, so no.
29.10.04 13:19
Post #4
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Woah Vision...
Not nice.
29.10.04 13:20
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I don't think I'd use it at all. Everything that happens in life shapes the person you are going to become. If you reset, the person you were won't exist anymore. And who knows, if you retain all your memories, you may miss the old you.
29.10.04 13:22
Post #6
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i don't think i would reset, but only if i kept the knowladge i have now.
but i wouldn't want to start lfie all over :/
i've allways wanted to go back in time a few minutes, as many times i would like.
i also would like to freeze time, i would freeze time, pick up a heavy object and place it high abov someone's head and un-freeze time.

29.10.04 13:29
Post #7
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: HarrY

i don't think i would reset, but only if i kept the knowladge i have now.

You can, and you wouldn't go back to a kid.
Let's say you can save aswell. :p
29.10.04 13:31
Post #8
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/me presses Harry's reset button before he saves.

i would not save and reset right now if i could.
29.10.04 13:37
Post #9
Last edited: 29.10.04 13:38 (The Wishmaster - 3 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Are you sure you woulden't "save"? :P
*presses reset* now you have lost all your days data :o
29.10.04 13:40
Post #10
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Sorry about posting that before, forgot that other people might not like to see it...but i just felt i needed to tell people.
29.10.04 13:45
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i ddidn't think it was wildy nessesary :P

29.10.04 13:53
Post #12
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

Even if you can reset, what will happend?
There wouldnt be no way to remember what was before reseting, if you reset time, right:roll::roll:
And you will repeat same mistake all over again and again:lol:

29.10.04 13:59
Post #13
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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An image!
29.10.04 14:03
Post #14
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Quoted :: Archamond

Even if you can reset, what will happend?
There wouldnt be no way to remember what was before reseting, if you reset time, right:roll::roll:
And you will repeat same mistake all over again and again:lol:


How can you be sure. That you will make same mistakes.

If its worth the reset. Then living it all again couldnt be worse...
29.10.04 14:08
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