
BTForum » BlameTheOffTopic Forums » BlameTheArt » Can someone make me a sig worm?

[B]Noob xSlayerx
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Yes, I'd like to have a sig worm made please, here is what I would like, I'd like it to be this worm wearing all this cool shit with a bandana and such, while holding a banana bomb in his hand, about to blow a noob away to kingdom-kom, make the noob have a "?" Over his head while the nana is heading towards him.

Please make me this sigworm, I got nothin else to put in my sig lol

Death to all noobs!
28.10.04 22:37
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I'll do it, but how should I show the other worm is a n00b? Holding a sign saying "N00b" on it? :P
31.10.04 13:56
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Good idea :P

31.10.04 14:35
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Quoted :: Khuzad

Good idea :P

Darn, he's banned. Oh well, I'll just make it for the heck of practice and post it on the RAS sig page to see how much I get for it XD
31.10.04 22:16
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he's banned?! well who would've seen THAT coming?!

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
01.11.04 02:51
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Not me, thats for sure.
So is anyone still going to make him a sigworm? :mrgreen:
01.11.04 08:58
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user is banned. No one is going to be making sigs for a banned user i think.

01.11.04 09:52
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