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Poll: Which Console ?
Nintendo DS 3 users
Sony PSP 2 users
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I need sum opinions on these (Don't know which one to buy :D)..., which do u think is better and why.
27.10.04 16:16
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Blatently gotta get a Nintendo DS mate. Otherwise you'll be breaking the Nintendo way :lol:

Only kidding, up to you but I vote DS


27.10.04 18:07
Post #2
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DS, but thats because i'm teh worlds biggest ninty fan.

Naa, it's because ninty's the king of handhelds, andf theres so many new options.
29.10.04 10:32
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Quoted :: SegaSonic


Pff, he's definitly not getting in DMT now with that attitude.
Disgrace to Nintendo, how dare you! :P


29.10.04 16:10
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29.10.04 17:04
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Hey Megalomaniac
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I'm not gonna get either of 'em till their library expands and/or the price drops. For DS, I'm only interested in MP: Hunters. All the rest I may want are rehashes of N64 games. True, it has backward compatibility with GBA games, but I wuv my SP...


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29.10.04 21:00
Post #6
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GET A POCKET PC, then you can play: GBA, SNES, NES, PS1 (at high fps, seriously), GENISIS, and EVERYTHING ELSE.. i have one, worth the money XD
29.10.04 23:50
Post #7
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I have a pocket pc
29.10.04 23:53
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what kind/model?

i have a toshiba e355, microsoft windows pocket 2003 XD oh and I have a 512mb SD card full of videos/music
30.10.04 00:00
Post #9
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I have a toshiba e355 too!
30.10.04 00:17
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I'ld get a DS just for WarioWare Inc.

30.10.04 08:37
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: psymon

I'ld get a DS just for WarioWare Inc.

Yeh, that game's pretty fun. But I was quite disappointed at the Gamecube version. They just took the unedited GBA games (even LEFT OUT some of them...) and added a multiplayer twist. That's not worth shelling out $40 IMO.


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30.10.04 12:52
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Good point there Thnikk. I have WarioWare Inc. on my GBA SP and it's much better than the GC version.
Only cause you can take it with you. You can't take a GC with you unless you wanna spend alot on the battery kit and screen for it ;)


30.10.04 21:14
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: Runt

Good point there Thnikk. I have WarioWare Inc. on my GBA SP and it's much better than the GC version.
Only cause you can take it with you. You can't take a GC with you unless you wanna spend alot on the battery kit and screen for it ;)

Yesh, and I sold my GBA version. I had overtaken all the records in the game and unlocked everything. At that time, I had played all the games an ungodly amount of times. Needless to say, they were boring to me then :P


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30.10.04 21:32
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I have been playing Nintendo my whole life, so I think it would be better to get a DS.


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10.11.04 00:16
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