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Poll: Do you hide sigs?
Yes i hide the ones i dont like 11 users
No i dont hide any 4 users
I have them all set to hidden 0 users
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Just wondering what YOU into hiding a persons sig.

Do you hide them all? or just the odd one.

Mostly i hide the ones that have animations, or scrolling text. Though recently ive taken to hiding all the "backgorund images" ones. Expcept Falkras and Readmes. Who have neutral ones.

Also big sigs. Especially downright ugly ones. i hide on sight.

Then there is the folk with gigantic files as sigs. Like that stickman animation.

I think sigs are good when kept small and minimal.
Ive started using <100 pixels as a rule now. Popes sig is an especially good example of one that doesnt interfere with reading.
27.10.04 10:55
Post #1
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I hate sigs with forums in them, like HarrY's and SPAZ's. they make the whole page look wrong.

27.10.04 11:22
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

does mine get in the way, i'd think that it doesn't.
I know that your's definitely doesn't J, and Ivan's.

An image!
27.10.04 11:45
Post #3
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Well i maybe hide the odd one or two, but not very many. Does anyone think mine is to big and annoying?

27.10.04 13:11
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I don't know, I've hidden it.

Learn to look, look to learn.
27.10.04 13:16
Post #5
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lol, me too. So its probably a yes.
27.10.04 13:17
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first of all, i don't have a forum in my sig, i have a form and spaz doesn't have either of them in.
tell me, what makes a small box that dissfigureing?

and about khuzad's sig, it isn't that bad, just a marquee, realy...

27.10.04 13:59
Post #7
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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ill suggest now that we stop naming names, unless its naming them for good reasons.
27.10.04 14:02
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if i knew the code for customizeing the form, i would, to avoid other designs making it look ugly(ie:map design)

27.10.04 14:04
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Don't like tall nameplates, scrolling marquees, centered text, craply tiled backgrounds, ascii or anything that's distasteful in terms of appearance.

Learn to look, look to learn.
27.10.04 14:04
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An image!
that is what my sig looks like in IE+map design, random retunrs that i never put there and in mozilla: (ultra compact design)
An image!
only one random return that i never put there
and in firefox, it's the same.
i think i might remove some of the stuff in my sig, actually

27.10.04 14:18
Post #11
Last edited: 27.10.04 17:32 (HarrY - 3 times) [Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Well... I got a rid of my marquee, unhide sig please? :(

Quoted :: HarrY

and in mozilla:(ultra compact design)

Lol I don't think you meant to have that sad smiley there :lol:

27.10.04 15:37
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Last edited: 27.10.04 15:54 (Khuzad - 1 times) [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote]
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no. it shouldn't diplay the image if there are characters next to the smiley :|

27.10.04 17:34
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I hide only sigd that make posts too big, those which use huge images, and background with non-forced colors, which render bad on some designs, and finally, forced color text with no background, usually red, which look awful in the design i use (C1's fruity, green bg).

I keep the other sigs, just to identify quickly the poster.


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27.10.04 18:32
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Looping every five frames, sloppy sigs, too bright, too many colors, or too big sigs are hidden for me. Although right now I only have one or two hidden, because I usually unhide a hidden sig every week to see if it's been changed to something better.
27.10.04 20:01
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