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Right, I know loads of people have done it but I would like to make my own worms comic. All I need is still images. (worms, weapons, etc)

All I have found are moving ones. But I would like to make a still one like Joetheeskimo5's BTP comic.

A site name, link or anything would be grateful, thanx guys!

Edit: And who wants to be in it? :P


26.10.04 00:33
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Last edited: 26.10.04 00:35 (Runt - 2 times) [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I can get you the animated versions of all the W:A sprites, and you'll just have to open them with an animation program, and use the frames you want in your comic...other than that, I'd have to do that all myself, and don't even think THAT'S gunna happen (no offense, I'm just lazy):P

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26.10.04 00:36
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Quoted :: Runt

Right, I know loads of people have done it but I would like to make my own worms comic. All I need is still images. (worms, weapons, etc)

All I have found are moving ones. But I would like to make a still one like Joetheeskimo5's BTP comic.

A site name, link or anything would be grateful, thanx guys!

Edit: And who wants to be in it? :P

Search for the Page of Light on google. $goologo $m[1] then edit them as Aku said. That's what everyone does to get those sprites. That's what I did for my comics as well.
26.10.04 00:50
Post #3
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[]The Pope
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Learn to look, look to learn.
26.10.04 08:27
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

or you can just google SDK4+5, they have quite a few static sprites, but some you will have to edit anyhows.....

An image!
26.10.04 08:51
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What's the storyline about?
27.10.04 20:03
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

anyway, i would draft some things on paper first and get an idea before actually setting down to make something ;););)

An image!
27.10.04 21:15
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Quoted :: Squelchymcphee

anyway, i would draft some things on paper first and get an idea before actually setting down to make something ;););)

Ehm, what? :? Yeah I posted, infact I've posted 471 times so far :P
29.10.04 11:23
Post #8
Last edited: 29.10.04 11:24 (joetheeskimo5 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: joetheeskimo5

What's the storyline about?

All will be revealed in time, I've nearly finsihed the first 3 comics. But what I can tell you is who's in it. I'm not gonna say which character does, just who is in it.

Me (of course)
The Pope
SegaSonic (but not for very long :P)

That is all. The comic should be up soon on my very own webpage dedicated to it.


29.10.04 16:07
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woow, im in...go me!
29.10.04 16:32
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[S]Pioneer322$1wants to be in it even though he's already in CYOA :P

29.10.04 16:37
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Not for very long?
29.10.04 17:24
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Methinks RunT still has something against you, although everyone else is mature enough to get over it :roll:
29.10.04 20:10
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Yeah, actually its my fault. (dont say anything RunT)
29.10.04 20:30
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Well he is including Sonic in the webcomic, there are people who arn't in it, runt must like sonic?
29.10.04 22:17
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