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I've heard reports of 5 times bigger than Vice City, but it all depends on what they mean by that. Accessible floor space? Well if so, it could possibly mean the same size city, just you can go into more places, which you can; gyms, fast food shops, hairdresser, clothes shop and more...

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24.10.04 08:31
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

no, the whole map is 3 times as big.
The game is set in a whole State for crying out loud, which contains 3 cities and barren stretches you have to pass between to get to. At least this is waht i've heard/read. AND, its coming out on my birthday(this fri) but i'm not getting it.
I'm gonna wait for Half Life 2 ^^

An image!
24.10.04 18:27
Post #17
Last edited: 24.10.04 18:28 (Squelchymcphee - 1 times) [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
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