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Explain then the Biddle occurence in Dragon Killer and 2 of your past accounts, i'm a bit curious on this...
And after all those lies, it's pretty hard to beleive you, you always said "no it's not me, really" for several past accounts.


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21.10.04 18:38
Post #16
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I know for a fact that project is not Kyle. But project does have another account known as SaMzClUb, or something like that.
21.10.04 18:44
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Orangie Orgy
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Project is kyle. He admitted it to me himself.
Might have used that name as a frame-up, running out of names to sign up with....
21.10.04 18:47
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Well read up, his first post in this thread, he lists his accounts, and porject is one of them...


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21.10.04 18:48
Post #19
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project is a great rr map maker, he is not kyle...and just because kyle said he was project, dont meen he is,
21.10.04 18:51
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[B]project as btp account was Kyle, there may be a wormnet guy called "project". Erm last thing, with liars, the first thing to do is avoid being naive, and don't blindly beleive what they say, because they say it's true.


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21.10.04 18:53
Post #21
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He's in TdC, a very well respected clan on wa and wwp...That project signed up to BTP is not Kyle.
21.10.04 18:56
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Project is kyle. He admitted it to me himself.
Might have used that name as a frame-up, running out of names to sign up with....

:roll: + IPcheck + Kyle/Foamy himself listing it as his account, what more do you need ? What i'm trying to say is that the TdC member is not the same guy.


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21.10.04 18:59
Post #23
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Exactley, so the project signed up to btp, is not kyle.
21.10.04 19:03
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uhh, it was just proven that project is kyle, and then you say that project isn't kyle.... what the hell?

21.10.04 19:07
Post #25
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Get teh picture? :P
21.10.04 19:18
Post #26
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Fuck you kyle. I hate you. Always buggin me on msn messegner and sending me crappy emails that im expecting to be important but it always says "Fuck you." or some insult like that. If you going to be that way i guess you deserve to be banned.
21.10.04 22:09
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Settle this somewhere else.
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[S]Pioneer322$1wants to delete posts
21.10.04 22:56
Post #28
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You want me to delete my post? Make kyle and then i will
21.10.04 22:59
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