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Poll: Should sonic be treated fairly or should he get more insults?
Yeah, weve insulted him enough 9 users
Maybe 8 users
just a little bit 2 users
NO! 2 users
NO WAY HOSE! 3 users
Abstain 4 votes
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I wish to be treated as everyone else. You guys dont know what its like for me every day to have an insult thats comeing my way. When im having bad days, you guys just come up to make it worse. I ob
19.10.04 01:15
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Redbull gives you wings!

Quoted :: Red Bull

I will if you stop acting childish, and grow up.

He's supposedly 11 years old man, give him a break.
Let him learn, help him. Don't insult him.


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19.10.04 02:35
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Quoted :: Red Bull

Quoted :: Bullseye

Quoted :: Red Bull

I will if you stop acting childish, and grow up.

He's supposedly 11 years old man, give him a break.
Let him learn, help him. Don't insult him.

That wasn't an insult.

You know him. LUEker.

19.10.04 03:58
Post #3
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

Red Bull, you arent here long enough to have time to inslut him:):)

btw, why people rated red bull down?
what he did wrong?
I traly think that whities should be immune on ratings(except admins ratings)
19.10.04 06:52
Post #4
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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being racist are we archy? ;)
19.10.04 06:54
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

19.10.04 06:56
Post #6
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Archamond

I traly think that whities should be immune on ratings(except admins ratings)

'Twas a joke...
19.10.04 06:57
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[G]the candy man
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it seems that every new member on BTP gets rated down before up?

yeah ill go with u on EVERYONE IS RACIST comment
19.10.04 08:00
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Because hes kyle.
19.10.04 10:22
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[G]the candy man
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SegaSonic is kyle?
i dont think he is, hes been here much longer than kyle was
19.10.04 10:26
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Orangie Orgy
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I meant redbull, is kyle.
19.10.04 10:43
Post #11
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[G]the candy man
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Lol yeah i just cheked his profile and his email adress is something like

Edit : i just realized this is fucking sympothy thread. After all this his rating is increasing.....
19.10.04 10:53
Post #12
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Orangie Orgy
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Aaand his pre-sigs the same. As well a new user shouldn't have been able to set-up a background sig that fast.
Theres more but you get the point
19.10.04 10:55
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Although the bg is the same, perhaps Red Bull knows a good bit about html before he signed up. If we want to prove if it is Kyle. We need something more solid than assumptions


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

19.10.04 10:59
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Quoted :: Pilki-AKA-Gollum

We need something more solid than assumptions

He's right, we can't just got convicting people of things no-one knows the truth about.

On another note, Sonic should learn not to annoy people on MSN when they're status is Busy Doing College Work.


19.10.04 12:57
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