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Ok another suggestion, one of my endless list. :mrgreen:

I thought it might be useful to have a box to post things that only admins could see. It could be like the pointless form, and the text would be sent and added to some page that only admins could see.

This way, users wouldn't have to PM an admin or another, or various admins to be sure that they get the message fast.
I suggest to make it visible only to admins because this way there wouldn't be a lot of comments, discussed stuff.

The debugging forum made me think about that, because some things i have to report sometimes are not good to say in the public forums, because they don't have to be known (like when i found a way to cheat in WIT, for example (submitted to Zogger and fixed long time ago, and not related to the scoreboard hack), or a bug that could be used to make bad things.

Btw, the debugging forums are closed, when will they open back ? I have a list of things to post there.


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18.10.04 21:20
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What if the Admins think the PMing is more efficient...that way only one admin is workin on one thing instead of all the admins asking if others already read and looked over one of the posts...
19.10.04 00:49
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they aren't closed - each thread gets locked as an issue is fixed.

in theory anyway. I retroactively locked them all since we had been pretty lackluster about it.

You can start a new thread, if you wish.
19.10.04 00:58
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I unlocked my thread, in case anyone else has anything to post there. =] It's an unsolved mystery but r_e and Zog are prob right, I might have to contact my ISP.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
19.10.04 06:11
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[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I don't think theres anything wrong with this idea, cause it is a good one. But that's why Admin's have e-mail addresses :P


19.10.04 13:11
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Yes, in fact i don't know what they'd prefer, PMing, mail or this box.


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19.10.04 16:19
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i hate mail
pms bother me
forums are nice
im too lazy to code a box :)
19.10.04 18:39
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You could make a checkbox when posting a thread which you check if you want the admins and yourself to be the only ones to be able to view the thread.
19.10.04 18:41
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Same principle, good idea []Dingbats.
CB, that's why i don't mail or pm you. ;)


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19.10.04 18:43
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i prefer dingbat's idea, then there can be a discussion about it and spam would be kept down due to the rating system :)
but, would mods of that forum beable to see the post?

19.10.04 18:55
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Dingbat's idea is really cool, i like it too. :D
I bet mods would see it. but all this stuff, and blamethecasino and other things are really a lot of "to do" things.


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19.10.04 18:58
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It's a good idea []Dingbats

20.10.04 14:23
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Quoted :: HarrY

but, would mods of that forum beable to see the post?

yes becuse Mod's arent nooby enough to spam anyway so it wouldnt matter
20.10.04 16:48
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Quoted :: The candy Man

Quoted :: HarrY

but, would mods of that forum beable to see the post?

yes becuse Mod's arent nooby enough to spam anyway so it wouldnt matter

Why are you saying yes? You aren't coding it..
Anyways, mods can already see who it is, due to ip checks.
20.10.04 19:35
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I'd much prefer a forum where users can post new threads but only admins can read them. Should the person who posted them be able to read what the admins are saying about it or not?


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
21.10.04 03:44
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