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Rofl! :lol:

22.10.04 17:43
Post #16
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Did Microsoft try to make IE suck as much as they could? That also wastes bandwidth, due to loading images million times.
23.10.04 20:45
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Quoted :: xEViLxCAtx

Did Microsoft try to make IE suck as much as they could? That also wastes bandwidth, due to loading images million times.

Well they succesfully did ! :lol:


Artwork by the wishmaster.

23.10.04 21:47
Post #18
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FF loaded it very quickly and IE was about 4 seconds behind.


An image!

23.10.04 22:41
Post #19
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Well IE had to load every single picture didn't it?

Quoted :: xEViLxCAtx

Did Microsoft try to make IE suck as much as they could? That also wastes bandwidth, due to loading images million times.

Seems like it doesn't it?

24.10.04 07:21
Post #20
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Quoted :: Khuzad

Well IE had to load every single picture didn't it?

Not what I've seen...
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24.10.04 07:43
Post #21
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Missing images? We just found another truth of the evil IE!
24.10.04 11:50
Post #22
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

looks that nobody notice that I said that Opera is TeH FaStEsT
24.10.04 14:06
Post #23
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28.10.04 01:38
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Quoted :: Khuzad

Well IE had to load every single picture didn't it?

Not what I've seen...
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That's what happened to me >_>

30.10.04 01:12
Post #25
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Quoted :: madknifa

proof that IE sucks.

yeah, so does firefox, I use opera, opera pwns all your internet browsers.

30.10.04 02:23
Post #26
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Firefox doesn't suck, it rocks.

30.10.04 12:44
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Firefox and Opera are a bit equal. However, Opera's "Windows inside Opera" pwns Netscape's and Firefox's tab things. This makes Opera better! :D
30.10.04 14:05
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