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Very random thread, but yea.
How do you pronounce Knifa? tell me :D
08.10.04 20:55
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Risky thing for me. :lol:

I'd say this "NAY-FEH"

Btw how would you pronounce Falkra ? ^^


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08.10.04 21:03
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I say "Fal-Kra" the way it looks :P after a few posts, i'll tell you the proper prounciation of Knifa ;)
08.10.04 21:06
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Most ppl say Fall-Kra (double L, like "fall"ing), in fact the first A is the same. ^^ No pb tho.


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08.10.04 21:09
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I pronounce it kuh-nifa.

And my user is NOT TheABDBoy, it's TheAbdBoy. The Abd Boy, not EH BEE DEE.

08.10.04 21:12
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=> 'nIf&r ?
i hate phonetics :mrgreen:


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08.10.04 21:14
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I would pronouce is NAF-TA
And I pronouce Abdboy, Abd-min. Sorta like admin, but throw a b in there.
08.10.04 21:26
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"knifer" as in to knife, you liing near glasgow and all ;)
08.10.04 21:43
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Redbull gives you wings!

Yeah, I pronounce "Knifa" with the K silent.
But I guess it's your opinion how you pronounce it.


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08.10.04 21:50
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i would say "knife"A
08.10.04 22:21
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i say ny-fah and faul-krah

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
08.10.04 23:09
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I pronounce Knifa kuh-nifa just to make fun of knifa.

08.10.04 23:10
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I pronoucne it madknifa, because that's who you are :P No, I say it as knife-ah
08.10.04 23:10
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It is indeed Knife-ah, anybody who says it with the K not silent can go home. :P Now shall we turn this into a big name prounouncing thread?
08.10.04 23:11
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marvelous != motherless

knifa == deaf

nuff said really.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
08.10.04 23:27
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