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When BTP was down I decided to make another DMT website. Mainly cause BTP was down, the site was on the server = no clan page.

But recent events have made the site I was going to create useless. Our main server (my home server) which the site was going to be run from has died on me. :cry:

So until furthur notice DMT Clan page will still remain the BTP made one (I'm not even sure it's still there myself :?)

Sorry for the delay guys, should be ready soon!

Edit: And just to add insult to injury, my PC *messed* up earlier today so it's gonna take even longer :evil:


07.10.04 17:00
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Cool, whats it gonna be like?


Drag it!
16.10.04 14:18
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How do you write in bold?
16.10.04 21:15
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Update on the DMT site:

My home sever is back up and running to full speed, site is being created as we speak. Should be up soon.
I shall keep all posted on details and updates. Watch this space :P


16.10.04 22:03
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Great :D can't wait to see what it looks like:mrgreen:
17.10.04 19:35
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Update on DMT site:

Site is complete, all links are being are being diverted and IP addresses are being set up. Not long now.


19.10.04 13:03
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Cool :D....btw my wwp is workin properly again so i might start recruitin for sum new members :mrgreen:
19.10.04 15:18
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I cant find Dvious!
19.10.04 23:06
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PM him then!


Drag it!
24.10.04 17:34
Post #9
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Indeed.....moving on, how long till we are able to view the new site ?
26.10.04 22:16
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Yeah, there hasn't been an update for a loooong time. And I'm never on WN anymore :/


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
26.10.04 23:01
Post #11
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Update on DMT site:

The IP addresses have been set-up and the site works fine. To my home PC's only which is weird :?

I have tryed working my way around this prblem for my days and have not found a solution. I shall keep trying for the time being but if all else fails.... I'm going to upload it to a free hosting site. Such as Yahoo! or something similar.

Edit: P.S Sorry for the delay.


27.10.04 02:03
Post #12
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