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I have two questions about regular expressions in PHP.

What would the REGEXP for checking for [quote=someone]? I can do the replacing myself.

What would the REGEXP for checking for URLs and replacing them be? Here I need the replacing part too.

Any help would be very appreciated. :)
03.10.04 18:22
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[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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The easiest way would be to download phpBB and look at includes/bbcode.php.
03.10.04 22:02
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$findq "/[quote](.+?)[/quote]/si";
$replq "<br><div class=quote><font size=1 color=#888888><b>Quote:</b></font><br>$1</div>";
   //[quote=name] why was a dot not allowed in the name??
$findqn = "/[quote=(.+?)](.+?)[/quote]/si";
$replqn "<br><div class=quote><font size=1 color=#888888><b>Quoted :: $1</b></font><br>$2</div>";

//quotes must be done recursively
while (preg_match($findq,$str)) {
$str = preg_replace($findq,$replq,$str);
  while (
preg_match($findqn,$str)) {
$str preg_replace($findqn,$replqn,$str);
04.10.04 02:07
Post #3
Last edited: 04.10.04 02:08 (CBWhiz - 1 times) [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
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of course you'll need to escape the [s since they are reserved for character classes.

I'd also export much neater code if i were you, throw in some line breaks, indentation and valid markup =p

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
05.10.04 16:46
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Now that I think about that, thats true :)

COncidering i copieed and pasted form this forum's code, not sure why its working right tnow :D
06.10.04 04:03
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It doesn't work, and adding the escape characters doesn't do any difference! I get the errors "Warning: Unknown modifier 'q' in c:\program\easyphp\www\sbg\functions.php on line 138" and "Warning: Unknown modifier 'q' in c:\program\easyphp\www\sbg\functions.php on line 142" for every post in the thread.
Those lines are the lines where the two whiles start.
Quotes just show up as [ quote=someone ]something[ /quote ]. The same goes for [quote]-style quotes.
06.10.04 14:36
Post #6
Last edited: 06.10.04 18:16 (Dingbats - 1 times) [Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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can i see exactly what regex you've used?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
06.10.04 17:03
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$repl "<br><div class='quote'><font size='1' color='#888888'><b>Quote:</b></font><br>$1</div>"
$findn = "/[quote=(.+?)](.+?)[/quote]/si"
$repln "<br><div class='quote'><font size='1' color='#888888'><b>Quote :: $1</b></font><br>$2</div>"

//Quotes must be done recursively 
$string = preg_replace($find$repl$string); 
preg_match($findn$string)) <br />
$string preg_replace($findn$repln$string);

return $string;\n?>
06.10.04 18:17
Post #8
Last edited: 06.10.04 18:19 (Dingbats - 2 times) [Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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$repl "<br><div class='quote'><font size='1' color='#888888'><b>Quote:</b></font><br>$1</div>"
$findn = "/<br><div class='quote'><span class='quoteheader'>Quoted :: (.+?)</span><br>(.+?)[/quote]/si"
$repln "<br><div class='quote'><font size='1' color='#888888'><b>Quote :: $1</b></font><br>$2</div>"

//Quotes must be done recursively 
$string = preg_replace($find$repl$string); 
preg_match($findn$string)) <br />
$string preg_replace($findn$repln$string);

return $string;\n?>

you needed to escape the / in
since you were using / as your delimiter. I always use ' cos it's neater and less likely to appear in a pattern, ie:
Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
06.10.04 18:36
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I'll try that.
Edit: It works! Thank you! :)
07.10.04 05:46
Post #10
Last edited: 07.10.04 13:36 (Dingbats - 1 times) [Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]

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