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Quoted :: C1
Or make a Hide Presig and A Hide Sig option.

That wouldn't work. Many people use the presig for a starting tag for a table or something and the sig for the ending tag. Hiding the presig or sig only would make it look weird.
05.10.04 14:41
Post #16
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Perhaps an option where social users or admins have to accept the presig, before it can go into use?
05.10.04 19:38
Post #17
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No, that definatevly won't do. Hoards of users will get mad. We have the right to change our sigs whenever and to whatever we want. If you don't like them, say so, or just hide the sig.

I, for one, don't want anyone to decide over me what should i have in my presig
06.10.04 07:56
Post #18
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There could be an option in your profile to hide all new users' sigs by default.
06.10.04 14:41
Post #19
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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there is an option to hide all sigs already. it doesn't change which sigs you already have hidden or not, it just hides all sigs entirely.
06.10.04 14:45
Post #20
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I know, but there could be an option to hide only the new users' sigs when they sign up.
06.10.04 15:24
Post #21
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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what makes new users more likely to have dodgy sigs?

and if they're all hidden by default when you'd never see them to know if they need to be off.

If you see a sig you dont like, hide it - it's a feature you wont find anywhere else do make the most of it.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
06.10.04 16:41
Post #22
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if you so wished, you could turn off pictures in firefox...anyway, go sort out the posts per page thing, its much more useful
06.10.04 16:59
Post #23
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I usually don't mind sigs, unless they're really huge. I do however mind presigs that are just normal text. It confuses me greatly :?
06.10.04 19:43
Post #24
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[ ] My Pre-Sig and Sig are linked (ie. table tag) [ ] Pre-Sig (before your post) [ ] Sig (after your post) [ ] Hide Non-Linked Pre-Sigs
[ ] Hide Non-Linked Sigs [ ] Hide All Sigs

But will I code it?
Not likely.
07.10.04 02:59
Post #25
Last edited: 07.10.04 03:00 (CBWhiz - 2 times) [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
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no, but you'll code my 30 posts/page, gogogo!
09.10.04 11:06
Post #26
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Me thinks an option to decide how many posts per page you want could be an idea. So that slow modem users can view posts almost as quickly as a broadband user


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

09.10.04 12:31
Post #27
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I subscribe to this idea, i always want to set 100 posts per page. :mrgreen:


Artwork by the wishmaster.

09.10.04 12:33
Post #28
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Me too. i like to see the whole story when i go straight to a post instead of a snippet off the end of it


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

09.10.04 13:16
Post #29
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Yeh, I think it's a good idea too, it could be very useful if you are trying to find a specific post in a thread, if you could just scroll down through all of the posts.

09.10.04 14:05
Post #30
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