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Poll: Will you go see FFVII:AC After having seen the trailer?
Hell yeah. it rocks! 9 users
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Hi. just seen the E3 trailer for the FF7 sequel. And it rocks! Escellent CG and great action. A must for all FF fans i think. The film was showcased at the Venice Film Festival which happened this month. afaik no european release date yet :( btw there is planned dates for the US, which i can't remember.

To see the trailer go to and go to the FFVII:AC E3 trailer. Once you have seen it post back here and tell others what you think.

PS: It is a DVD release. not a game sequel

EDIT: Forgot to mention you may need to download the xvid codec to watch it. search it on google or something and you'll find it no prob.


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

16.09.04 19:41
Post #1
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Thanks for that, I forgot to re-bookmark FFA.

Yeah, I want to see FF7:AC. but I'll need to find a place to DL it first,

16.09.04 19:49
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methinks it will b quite a while before they even think of bringing to us brits. Bit of a shame innit? 8O


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16.09.04 19:52
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That's what Kazza and WinMX is for.

18.09.04 18:08
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But with WinMX it would take hours. plus its the illegal way. I'd rather wait for the general release than do the illegal thing


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

18.09.04 18:17
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my brain is giving me a vision of a realease date....well here it is(i think). its gonna be between april-july 2006 for us uk pplz.(i may be right, i can predict lottery numbers(seriously, i can:mrgreen: ).
im definatly gonna buy the dvd when it comes here tho, i rekon theres gonna be massive quewes(lol spellin xD) for it in places like woworths and other leading shops like that, when it comes out
31.12.04 15:36
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You do realize that's over a year and a half down the road, don't you?
31.12.04 22:08
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Actually about 3½ months Glenn...
Edit: Forget I said that. :oops:

01.01.05 10:05
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He said 2006, not 2005. But i don't believe him anyway.
01.01.05 12:23
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Hmm, I really loved Final Fantasy VII the game, but I'm assuming the movie will be fairly dumb... I'll probably see it anyway because I'm a sucker for those cinema scenes in the FF series. By the way, nice Hitchhiker's Guide reference in yer sig, Pilki.
12.01.05 08:49
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Well, it's a rather amazing statistic. Half of all movies that are related to games (previously made games, not like LotR or Harry Potter) suck, and the other half own. Hopefully, FFVII will manage to fall in the latter half.
12.01.05 14:16
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Quoted :: Mablak

By the way, nice Hitchhiker's Guide reference in yer sig, Pilki.

Thankz pal. Good to see some hithhikers guide fans out there.

Even if the release date isn't until 2006, i am prepared to wait. The trailer owns and may more than make up for the previous movie


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12.01.05 19:08
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I've lost too much intrest now. I think I might not see the movie at all anymore. It's too late now. Final Fantasy just lost a fan.

13.01.05 06:57
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Why did they lose you as a fan Abd?
13.01.05 14:12
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

I've lost too much intrest now. I think I might not see the movie at all anymore. It's too late now. Final Fantasy just lost a fan.

Then are we waving goodbye to your FF trademark avy script and your undying love for Rikku???


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

13.01.05 20:16
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