
BTForum » BlameTheOffTopic Forums » BlameTheGeneralOffTopic » No-one's there...

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No-one seems to go to anymore, no ones posting in the forums, the comments are all the same... does anyone have a clue what's happening? If you're a member there, why don't yuo visit?

Oh and BTW, is not my site! The Wormy Wonders is!
10.09.04 17:09
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ever scince they made that stupid prank with the play button, i stopped going there.
It pissed me of enough to actually, make me piss of.

11.09.04 13:41
Post #2
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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when people stop visiting more people stop visiting and then more and so on untill its inactive, this is what has proberley happend.

OFFTOPIC: i have a new kb :D
11.09.04 14:36
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HarrY, fuckin get over it. There are two awesome movies out since that play button thing. You're just being a loser about a minor joke.
12.09.04 00:19
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The joke was quite easy, tho - after clicking the button in all possible ways for about 5 minutes, i finally noticed the suspicious title.

Also, Wormwars has a game dedicated to the insane play button. A shame a lot of people cheated when posting their highscores....
12.09.04 08:08
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