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I know this might be a bit of a pointless thread but I'll donate £20 BTP money to whomever can make me a half decent avatar pic. ;)

Thank you *end transmission* 8)


08.09.04 01:55
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What would you like on it?

08.09.04 02:03
Post #2
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It can be a moving one or a still one but i would like my own worm, like C1 has. You any good at that?


08.09.04 02:23
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I'm not good with worm sprites, but I can try X-D. What would you want the worm to look like?

08.09.04 02:46
Post #4
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i can make something like C1, Falkra etc have, mainly because i draw then ;)

go ask in the worms thread in the art forum, then ill do it next time i open flash. sometime tonight.
08.09.04 08:05
Post #5
Last edited: 08.09.04 08:06 (The Wishmaster - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I mean one of these sorta worms, like C1, Bloopy, minigunwilder, etc..

One of this type >>>>> :roll:


08.09.04 14:54
Post #6
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this should be in the art forum...
i'm quite good at worm sprites, but I need to know what you want himm like.
08.09.04 14:56
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I don't know thats the thing, what ever springs to imagination and looks good or sort of like a RunT


08.09.04 15:35
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No need to worry now guys, Pope has agreed to make me a SigWorm, Thanx anyways :D



09.09.04 15:50
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