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Alrighty, there are clans (Like on ff-tactics) and were all in it, i'll be the leader, you all pick rpg style job ect. (You can make some up if you would like, the jobs, that is)

The things needed are as follows:
Bio (Optional):
Main Abilitys:

There is no main story, it flows along as the people make it.
There this place where clans can get jobs when there not wandering about fighting monsters. They can range from going after some 100% pure evil man, to getting something sweet for a chocolate-loving monster.


Name: Ade
Job: Clockwork Knight *Slaps a copyright sticker on after it*
Wpn: Axe
Armour: None
Description: A big man, wears lightly fitting cloths, has dark mysterious eyes and blood red hair, spiking backwards, away from his face.
Bio: A lonely fighter, he once lived in the happy village of downfall, he got into a fight with some bandits and swore revenge on them after they destroyed his home town. Thus him making a clan.
Main abilitys:
1- Rictor, a powerfull attack when he drags his axe thru the ground, it sends a mini quake in the direction sending anything in his way flying.
2- Air Rictor, the same as above, only thru the air.
3- MoleLike, a nice move that casts a freeze on all enemies around, the disadvantage is it also casts blind on himself. An odd clockwork knight's move.
4- Haste.
5- Slow.
6- StopShot, a tiny air bullet that stops the movements of the attacked person. (Low accuracy)

Ok, get started.
06.09.04 15:40
Post #1
Last edited: 07.09.04 14:38 (XxfuzzballxX - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Its all rather vague really...I might post a character when I can be bothered
09.09.04 18:52
Post #2
Last edited: 09.09.04 18:52 (kikumbob - 1 times) [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Name: Noisiv
Job: Masked Knight
Wpn: Swored
Armour: Metel plated armour
Description: A 5ft4 man with dark short hair and tanned skin, always likes to wear protective clothing.

Bio: A loyal knight who would do anything for his friends, works well in groups, and good in life or death situations. Name comes from the hebrew meaning of lonesome wolf.

Main Abilitys: swirling hit(swings swored over head then releaseing it at the enemy)
Controlled Agression(Brings agression towards him, then releases it all from his swored, this paralizes the enemy.)
single fire(releases a ball of fire from the peek of his swored giveing the enemy burns, low acccuracy)
quick hit(a quick and easy to perform hit with his swored, High accuracy)

this is the first time ive ever done anything like this, if anything needs changing or adding, please say so in your reply.
09.09.04 19:25
Post #3
Last edited: 11.09.04 22:53 (VisioN - 2 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Name: Glenn
Job: Almighty Knight
Weapon: Broadswords, Katanas, Staffs
Armor: Light-weight
Description: Nobody really knows his appearance. All that can be seen a bit of his pants, the cape he wears, and red eyes.
Bio: A lone knight that has traveled the land for years, helping everyone in need. His skills have been refined from intense practice, but the quick movements keep him from wearing any protection but light armors. Nobody really knows what he looks like, and anyone that sees his face either ends up dead or so heavily tramautized that they can no longer speak. Rumor has it that he once battled the evil magician Magus...
Sword styles:
Nightmare and Heiten-Mitsurugi(Sword of Gales) style.
1. Burning Rush: Slash-kick-backslash combo.
2. Splitcut: Cleaves an enemy perfectly in two.
(forgotten techniques (in other words, can't be used for a long time, and only very rarely)
3. Illusion: Several quick and powerful attacks. The user moves so quickly that he creates false images of attacks to knock the target off balance.
4. Eternity: A quick flash of steel makes time grind to a halt. The enemy bleeds...
5. Assasin: The ultimate attack demonstrating incredable martial arts prowess and skill with a broadsword. Attack ends with a fire wave directed at the targets general area.
1. Burning Sword: Enchants a weapon with fire property.
2. Flame Mail: Enchants armor with fire property.
3. Inner Healing: Focuses the targets chi to promote spontaneous healing.
4. Fire Bolt: Just a small fireball...
(Forgotten techniques, see above)
5. Fire Wave: Deep fried goodness...
6. Armageddon: The ultimate in flam-olla.

There may be other skills learned in the future as well...

Character strengths:
High HP, MP, and Strength
Forgotten Techniques are VERY powerful
Basic support spells

Character weaknesses:
Very low defense made worse by light armors.
Forgotten Techniques usually only occur on the verge of death, and require a specific sword...
Basic support spells can only be used with staffs...
09.09.04 20:35
Post #4
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Weapon:cross bow/bow n arrows
Armor:mythryll chain mail
Description:Eden has developed great stelth, at a very young age, he wears dark clothes over his chainmail but sometimes wears other colours than black. eden was taught by a demon hunter-thrall and a warden-elun
Bio:Eden is a leathal archer, he can shoot an egal in the eye, flying, he has such great stealth, its as if he can meld with the shaddows.
his hobbie is hunting, and stealing.
Eden is great at stealing, useing his "blink" teachnique(see below) he can nip in and out of shops/stores without being seen, or noticed.
Eden thrists for adventure but often goes on his own.
Eden is known for his ways and superbe archery and is in constant flee from people who appose a threat to him.
Eden will only kill if there is no escape and if it realy is nessary, he has learnt from his past time mistakes.
1:blink: Teleports eden a short distance, allowing eden to move in and out of combat.
2:slow slows the target enemy for a shot amount of time
(requires a special type of arrow)
3:shaddow meld allows eden to turn slightly invisible in shaddows, for a short time(only at at night)
4:phoienix shot sends a burning arrow at an enemy, or the ground, after strikeing, it inflics damage upon a small area of the land and anyone who stands on it
(technique not learnt yet and also requires a certain type of arrow)

Caracter's streangths:
High HP and agility.
the arrows for arrow specific techniques and be manufactured at certian shops, however the price and time it would take to create one of these magical arrows would be huge, very very huge.
blink can be used anywhere at anytime and can make eden teleport to almost anywhere.
blink all happens within the blink of an eye.

Caracter's weaknesses:
Very low MP
Arrow specific techniques happen rarely, and ther isn't many of the arrows about.
shaddow meld can be used only during the night and only in the shaddows(duh)
blink can't be used over great distances and can't be used repetatively.

09.09.04 21:26
Post #5
Last edited: 09.09.04 21:46 (HarrY - 2 times) [Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Name: Link (Not to rip off Zelda.)
Age: 11
Weapon: None
Armour: None
Job: None
Description: A very strange lad wearing a green cloak. He has wide eyes, pointed ears, and blue hair.
Bio: A young lad from the merchant town of Surf. He has no protectors, parents, or friends of his own. Brought up in a rough life-style he has to survive by stealing. He has a tiny stall trying to sell colour fairys. Although as there ussless he has had no sales. He now wonders with four fairys (Red, Blue, Green and orange.)
Techs: Other than a light heal and his fairys, he has nothing.

Strengths: Has knowledge beyond his age.

Weaknesses: Power, defence, and hunger. The list goes on.
10.09.04 19:59
Post #6
Last edited: 10.09.04 20:04 (Gemini - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Weapons:crossbow, 2 short swords, 8 throwing knifes, a blow pipe with poison darts and a knuckle duster.


Description: A white (as in not black) man with short, scruffy hair about 5 feet tall. He wears plain clothing with a belt that holds the eight throwing knifes and the blowpipe. The two swords and crossbow are strapped to his back with two othe belts that are strapped across his chest and back crossing. his face is scarred down the left cheek.

Bio (Optional):A young man from a secret guild of assasins. He is now a rogue assasin, earning money the usaul assasin way. He was banished from the guild after he fiought and killed a fellow assasin of whom also gave him the scar.

Main Abilitys:
1.Complete control-A state of mind that few assasins master where they becom very fast, agile and can aim far better. The eyes and ears becom much sharper, and the reflexes become much quicker.
invisitrix-For a short while, kahmen can become unnoticed. This is not the same as becoming invisible because people can see him, the brain just dosnt register that he is there.
11.09.04 18:45
Post #7
Last edited: 11.09.04 18:47 (kikumbob - 2 times) [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote]
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is a new thread going to be created for the actual rp?

11.09.04 18:50
Post #8
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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tis what normally happens..
11.09.04 18:54
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It depends on when fuzz sees this thread and decides there's enough people to support it.
11.09.04 22:11
Post #10
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Quoted :: fuzzball

Ok, get started.

i think we can start.

11.09.04 22:12
Post #11
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