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[]The Pope
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I've a load of clips with me and squelchy pissing about with the mic and sound recorder and then speeding it up. Post any clips of yourself here saying anything funny or stupid. (Use for hosting them). - Squelchy getting a bit too excited...

Too make your own wormy voice, you can simply record your own voice, speed it up by 100% and you're done. You can get other programs to convert the file from .wav to .mp3 like CDex, which can be downloaded for free at

(For those that are smart enough, you can record the sound or download it and decrease the speed to hear what was actually said in real-time.)

Learn to look, look to learn.
05.09.04 08:06
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Last edited: 05.09.04 08:07 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

Yep, I know this thing a while ago:)
I made few of my soundbanks by speeding 100%
And it is fun to make records of conversation on dictaphone(i think that it correct word, thing that people use to make interview) and then speed it up, or event more funier, record some song:)
Imagine eg.Eminem talking like worm:D
05.09.04 08:53
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[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]dj canada
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Talking really fast and then slowing it down. Ever tried it?


Record yourself saying something, then play it back in reverse many times, so you can memorize it as best you can. Then, say the reversed speech into the mic.... and play it back "reversed".

I used to have alot of fun doing this. Too bad when you are playing worms, others cannot hear your custom worm voices. :(

Thus the reason I never bothered to download any custom voice schemes.
06.09.04 05:21
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As long as you already have the same custom soundbank someone else is using you'll be able to hear it.
06.09.04 11:30
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i find the robot worm soundbank realy annoying.
I think i might replace the robo worm sound files with classic worms:)

07.09.04 12:26
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: DJ Canada

Record yourself saying something, then play it back in reverse many times, so you can memorize it as best you can. Then, say the reversed speech into the mic.... and play it back "reversed".

I've done that, swearing backwards works best. :)
07.09.04 15:02
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Quoted :: DJ Canada

Too bad when you are playing worms, others cannot hear your custom worm voices.

Thus the reason I never bothered to download any custom voice schemes.

you can say somthing like
"my sound bank rocks, you seriously are missing out here."
and they'll all be like
so you're all like":D"

07.09.04 15:23
Post #7
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I did this for one of these FlashMX worm animations I was doing, I just talked slowly through the mic then speeded it up! Sounded like ur regular backgarden worm!
07.09.04 19:43
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