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While surfing Theme World earlier today, I found this desktop theme based on Worms Armageddon. I think it's pretty good... the only problem is the color scheme. :P

What do you guys think? :)

Here's another theme I found. It's based on Worms 2 instead, but at least the colors are decent. ;)
03.09.04 00:55
Post #1
Last edited: 05.09.04 14:14 (Sonicrazy - 4 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]kill the cow
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could you make a windows xp version?
03.09.04 06:04
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Orangie Orgy
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I remember this theme a long time ago when XP didnt exist. An XP version could be made, but I dont have it so I dont know, but should work anyways.
03.09.04 06:06
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Don't worry about it. I have XP and it works fine for me. :D
03.09.04 12:08
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[G]simon (swed simon)
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This brings back memories...
03.09.04 13:58
Post #5
Last edited: 03.09.04 13:59 (Simon (swed simon) - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Redbull gives you wings!

I don't really like that theme, I have seen way better ones
I guess it's ok though, for it not to be for xp.


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03.09.04 20:40
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Old'd >_>

Scince this post is spam, I'll say something useful.

It's a really cool scheme, even though it's old. Actaully, I found about it about 2 days before my computer blew up :x.

05.09.04 03:54
Post #7
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Indeed, but not so odd in light of the fact that some files/installers from themeworld can be either infected with viruses or may contain spyware/addware :| :(
05.09.04 06:59
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any chance of a picture? ( not that im switching from my new shell anyway. :P )
05.09.04 10:07
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I like the icons and I might think about using them, thanx sonic :lol:


An image!

05.09.04 10:14
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i downloaded it, and used it for a bit...even tho its worms armageddon, i still didnt find it looked cool enough, just looked to old or something :|
05.09.04 10:34
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[G]the candy man
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i havnt used it and dont plan on ever using it, it seems kind of black and gloomy. The icons are cool but the menue and windows are ****
But i suppose it is armageddon :?
05.09.04 11:23
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I haven't used it either. I do like it but the theme is a bit old style for me


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05.09.04 11:38
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i havn't seen this perticular theme but i remember having a wa theme.
does it have a large box with a timer on the front, and the wa logo?

and the windows are brown when active.

05.09.04 12:46
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look at the screenshots, there all there.
05.09.04 20:41
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