
BTForum » BlameTheOffTopic Forums » BlameTheArt » Some smilies I want to add...

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Well, I compiled a nice matching set of well-drawn smilies that I'd like to add as a set for the site, if enough people like it and if Zog will allow it.

I wrote a quick page to display all teh smilies next to their codes:
03.09.04 00:24
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the lol, :| mrgreen and :o dont seem to match the others, but ther that that they seem ok.

I still prefer my set =p

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
03.09.04 00:26
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[G]dj canada
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Tis a basic smiley set. It is not bad. :)

After veiwing a 1000 differnt smileys in the process of making my smiley shopper map... I'd say you could use more of a original set...

But basic is good on the other hand. I for one would like to see more smilie sets on BTP. Joe has a good basic one, I would not mind using it.
03.09.04 03:51
Post #3
Last edited: 03.09.04 03:52 (DJ Canada - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I like the :o smiley, although it doesn't match right.
04.09.04 20:27
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