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On the Bill Gates thread, someone wanted a Dream thread, so here it is.. Post anything dream realated. <- Lucid dreams, control your dreams.. quite cool, hard to do tho (for me)
02.09.04 20:32
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Woo, dreams.... I've had a few. Naturally, I don't remember them very well. But a few stand out. Once, after watching the Demented Cartoon Movie a bit too much the preceding afternoon, I dreamed I was fighting alongside Super Blah against a half- dinosaur, half-house: I defeated it with an empty can of soda. And when I was fighting pirates on a pirate ship, and promptly died. I then came back to life again, and died again. End of dream. I had some others. I'll post 'em later...


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02.09.04 20:51
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Yay a dream thread like I suggested :)

At the moment the most vivid dreams i'm having are about my friend who passed away 2 months ago :(

I've had a lot of weird dreams in the past though... I think people should say about there dreams if they like.


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02.09.04 21:40
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Sorry, Docta... indeed life can be cruel. I think one of the weirdest dreams I've had was when I was reading in the library. That went on for a little bit. End of dream :/


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02.09.04 21:43
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punching the shit out of my friends is a most recent wierd dream of mine, they asked me why i was punching them, i said"because you punched me"
they did in the dream.
another one

punching the shit out of two enemies who double teamed me, i won with superbe ease:D

02.09.04 21:53
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ive had a dream where mcdonalds had 2 stories:D
And that The poeple from the movie Bill And Ted were keanu reeves
02.09.04 21:56
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I had a dream I was in the movie "Dodgeball". But instead people put blankets on the floor and used paint buckets instead of dodgeballs to throw at each other. It turned into a scary movie because the game was so addicting and this one girl said "I wanna play more, I feel like killing some1." So I suddenly predicting people would be killing each other then. Thank god the dream changed to a different setting b4 anything happened there. I had a Cheese Nips and Popcorn right b4 I went to bed that night.

02.09.04 22:56
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My dreams are too fucked up to attempt to remeber right now.... But next time I have a dream I can remeber, I will post it here... I plan on getting extra sleep tommorow so most likely I will have one of thoes dreams.

My question is.... Do you dream In color or black and white? Can you hear sounds... Is it 2d or 3d... What point of veiw is it? 3rd or person 1st person? When do you have such dreams? After you goto sleep or right before you wake up?
02.09.04 23:33
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My Dodgeball dream was...

Yes, there was sound.
It was 1st person view.
I had it right when I went to sleep.

Oh, the dream had a second part to it. Me, my dad, my freind and his dad were eating. And it was time to leave, so I hopped in the truck to leave first b4 every1 else. But I had this problem, or disorder where I drove away myself and forgot every1 else so I tried to drive back and at some points the car would drive itself.

Has anyone ever gotten a dream that continued off a previous dream...? Or one where you could breath underwater?

02.09.04 23:46
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Mine are in color (although sometimes I'm nearly blind in my dreams, maybe I open my eyes slightly and reality fuzzes in?), the sounds are 3d, and it's usually 3rd person. I have 'em before I wake up. It's just my luck to be having a good dream when my dad wakes me up for school at 7:00 (blurghh...). Yet another rather strange one I had was playing capture the flag in my school's library (which was strangely enlarged) with egg-people climbing over walls and falling onto spikes and dying (hmm.) Woo, ultra long post.


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02.09.04 23:46
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Quoted :: Thnikkaman
It's just my luck to be having a good dream when my dad wakes me up for school at 7:00

I had a dream I was trying to steal a Synthesizer from a Pick n' Save that was under construction. Before I grabbed it my dad woke me up to go to State Fair. I'm not a theif nor do I want to be one, but your dreams is the only place you can do what you want.

02.09.04 23:52
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True. Ever notice how dreams go in slow motion? Like, that dream I had about reading in the library? It seemed to last a few seconds, but when I woke up, it was hours later... (and I woke up promptly after the dream.) dreams are so weird, yet I'm glad we have the capacity to dream. Some dreams are just plain awesome :D


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02.09.04 23:57
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Redbull gives you wings!

I once had a dream that i was on the beach (hell knows why)
And it was really stormy outside. And I was about to jump in the ocean when POW! I got struck by lightning, and as soon as I got struck I woke up. Ever had one of those dreams b4?


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03.09.04 00:00
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I personally haven't. I've never experienced this before, but my sister says she's woken up inside her dream, then once again in reality. I think it'd be funny to go through that 5 or 6 times.


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03.09.04 00:06
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i tend not to dream much, or if i do i dont remember.

I do however experience a feeling of walking along then tripping and suddnly moving in my bed and waking up.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
03.09.04 00:23
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