
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms 3D Discussion » Worms 3d deathmatch Challenges.

[G]dj canada
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I noticed there are many "Walk Troughs" for worms 3D, but all of them are for the "Campaign Missions". Having troubles? Want to help? Then post a quick "Walk Through" for a Challenges" game (example: A Death-Match). Personaly, I am having trouble getting gold on 'death-match 9'. Post a "walk thur" or ask your own question(s)

And I am assuming the missions for both computer and PS2 are the same.
09.08.04 23:28
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Last edited: 09.08.04 23:29 (DJ Canada - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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you need to kill all the enemy worms really really fast.

been a while since i played W3D lol :P

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
10.08.04 00:35
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Shotgun Challenge 1: Shoot fast.
Shotgun Challenge 2: Shoot like hell.
Shotgun Challenge 3: Shoot like greased lightining.
No, I'm being serious :P. Just practice, practice, practice for the jetpack, parachute, and shotgun challenges.
10.08.04 00:40
Post #3
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Well, people posted deathmatch guides for Star Worms' walkthrough, but i don't think he ever uploaded them to his site.
Apart from the deathmatches, in all the other challenges you just have to shoot/collect targets, and how fast you do it only depends on your accuracy/skill
10.08.04 10:18
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[]Star Worms
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I don't want to upload them unless it's going to be complete. I don't like trying to finish something when it's not finished, so they won't be uploaded until I get walkthroughs on all the deathmatches, which I don't have yet. I think I only have about half of them.

Plus I'm not doing any walkthroughs for the weapon challenges because they're simply getting used to the weapon and learning how to use it. So there would be absolutely no point in making walkthroughs for those.

10.08.04 11:16
Post #5
Last edited: 10.08.04 11:17 (Star Worms - 1 times) [RealVG] [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Well, maybe a 'walkthrough' that tells where the crates/targets will respawn at...
10.08.04 16:00
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[]Star Worms
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I still find it pretty pointless. It's about learning to use the weapon. On a shotgun challenge, no-one is going to refer back to the paper they printed off to see where the next target will appear, because they'll waste so much time, they won't complete it. Shotgun challenges are spontaneos. Jetpack and Super Sheep are also spontaneous. The targets are in mid air and a lot of them would be terribly hard to describe their position. As for parachute challenges - they're pretty obvious what you have to do and it's about learning how to use the parachute, along with all the other weapon challenges.

10.08.04 16:29
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[G]dj canada
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I should rename this thread "Death Match Help" so poeple would get back on track... I am not concered about the other challenges, as I am sure no one else is....
10.08.04 22:05
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Well which one are you stuck on, there's no point having people post walkthroughs for all 10 if you only need 1 or two, but i'll post all the ones i could find in starworms thread even though not all are there (7,8 and 9 are missing)

not in order

DeathMatch 2

Turn 1 : With your first Worm ( that should die on the next 2 turns ) Use your bazooka and shoot Bertie in a way that he goes in the deep see
Turn 2 : Use your Bazooka and shoot Grenadine .
Turn 3 : Finish off Grenadine by putting a dynamite beside him .
Turn 4 : Use your rope to get on the other part of the "Wormtanic" and punch Horrible Harry in the water
Turn 5 : Use another rope to get to the last 2 Worm standing . Go to Dunstman and prod him in the water .
Turn 6 : Go to John and just prod him

DeathMatch 3

Turn 1 : First , go see Kenny and prod him .
Turn 2 : Go beside Duke and Puch him into the see.
Turn 3 : Go on the rails Shown on the image below and go prod Linz
Turn 4 : Do as in Turn 3 but continue your way to Ste and prod him .
Turn 5 : Use your Jetpack and go beside Harry . Use your Baseball Bat to kill him .

DeathMatch 10

Turn 1 : Go to Derren and prod him .
Turn 2 : Use your baz in a way to make Frank Ladders go in the water.
Turn 3 : Same as turn 2 but with Hammers.
Turn 4 : Same as turn 2 but with Barney .
Turn 5 : Go punch Buzzy in the water .
Turn 6 : Same as turn 2 but with Yamz
Turn 7 : Use your Jetpack and go to Reo . Put a Dynamite beside him . It should kill him , If not , in the next 2 turns , kill him with your baz .
Turn 8 : Go to Dukster and Bat him into the water .
Turn 9 : Put a mine beside Porl in a way to make him go into the water .
Turn 10 : If porl didn't died , use your baz on him .
Turn 11 : Use a mine on Chip .
Turn 12 : If Chip didn't died , use your Bazooka on him .

DeathMatch 4

Turn 1 : Go to Moz and Punch him into the pool .
Turn 2 : Go see Dan and prod him into the water .
Turn 3 : Use your Bat on Fernando to make him go in the water .
Turn 4 : Go behing the Pink building as in the image below and do backflips on the poles. When you'll get to Naked , Put a mine beside him in a way to make him go in water .
Turn 5 : Use your Jetpack to go to Buddy . Put a grenade beside him in a way to make him go in water .
Turn 6 : Use the rope to go to Nedsy . Put a grenade beside him in a way to make him go into the water .

DeatMatch 6

Turn 1 : Go to Daniel and prod him to the water.

Turn 2 : Do backflips to go to Fat Time and prod him to the water.

Turn 3 : Go see Teddy and prod him to the water.

Turn 4 : Use your parachute to go on the ship and use your baseball bat on Slips to make him fly to the water.

Turn 5 : Go to Douglass and punch him in the deep blue see.

Turn 6 : Finally , put a dynamite beside Lordy in a way to make him go into the water.

Deathmatch 1

{Turn 1} Jetpack onto the boathouse and firepunch Horrible Harry into the water
{Turn 2} Parachute onto the shark, firepunch Stuntman into the sea and hide inside the shark
{Turn 3} Parachute down to Nasty Man and firepunch him into the water, If he is too far from the edge, bbat him
{Turn 4} Doctor X is probably inside the boathouse or on the cliff. If he's in the boathouse, bbat him into the water; if he's on the cliff, use firepunch

13.08.04 20:27
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