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ahem..seeing as my other thread about this has dissapeared i might aswell post it here. Check out ...its got the original 2d graphics but still good.Try it.:mrgreen:
06.08.04 17:51
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Hey Megalomaniac
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! ...SCREW it all. I have to get a stupid plugin first. If I ever DO get it, I'm sure it will be cool. I like Street Fighter ;)


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06.08.04 21:47
Post #2
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LoL hopefully Thnikk..mabey i could fight u 1 day :lol:
Its just like the video game aswell.U get to unlock characters, play story mode and also get new modes in..its a really cool game.
08.08.04 09:29
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Yeah, but it's too hard :P I'm still trying to get used to the controls, but it's hard to do so when the opponent is continually blasting me with shinku hadokens. I wish there was a training mode of some kind...


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08.08.04 13:40
Post #4
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Thinkkaman, Use the story mode to practise, It's not a training mode to practise against a still person, but it's against the computer.

08.08.04 16:12
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Yes... what I meant to say is that I need to learn all the commands and stuff. It's just so much easier to master a super combo against a still dummy than against an AI opponent.


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08.08.04 16:17
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You could open the game in IE and firefox and connect to yourself....?

08.08.04 17:07
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i can help u get better thnikk..just tell me the next time ur online.
08.08.04 17:53
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Well... I'm thinkin of going there now. Which server? OH, and also, I hope they enable cookie saving for like options and control mods so I don't have to do it every time... (reminds me of Street Fighter II)


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08.08.04 17:55
Post #9
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well im on right now (dawn of rage server). whats ur nickname on it ?
08.08.04 17:57
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Thnikkaman (woo exciting). I'll be there in a little bit. cya there, thingy ^^


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08.08.04 17:59
Post #11
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u said u couldn't join my game..try turning fire wall off..or y don't u try hosting.
08.08.04 18:14
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Anyone wanna own me in a game? I got it workin' ^^ If we're talkin' about online games here, check out peasant's quest :)
this isn't the best they can do, they made it like this intentionally to make it a parody of King's Quest ;)


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08.08.04 20:15
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Peasant's quest is a hard game...I've only got 15 points so far.

08.08.04 20:54
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WHAT? How did you get that many? Could you help me? How do you get the robe for starters ;)


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08.08.04 21:24
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