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The Tricks/Glitches and Hints Guide : By Squiffel
IF you have any question how to do any of these tricks
AIM me at : Thelyndonman
Email me at :
PM me at : under the name of Squiffel
Ask me in Wormnet: Squiffel too!
I didnt invent any of these tricks, So dont give me credit for inventing them, just credit for teaching everyone them and writing this entire bloody long thing.
Some people may hate me for this.

{Every single one of these tricks work, just my explanation of excuting the move might be poor}
WWP: Reading whispers, type /msg "your name" wiptistean. Eg. /msg Squiffel wiptistean and you can read whispers.
Rest of these ive only tested on W:A.
Updated October 31th kinda.

Chuting/Bungeeing off the edge: If you have a indy roof you can walk off the edge and chute down to the bottom or bungee down. Works best for Team17 games.

Landing from any height from rope: If you select parachute while roping and drop yourself onto a worm, alot of the time the chute will open as soon as you hit the worm and you will take no damage.

Mini Backflip:
Press Backspace Backspace Enter quickly to preform a mini backflip.

Jetpack bungee trick: (NOTE POSSIBLY LOLERIFIC)
Jetpack up and anywhere you want, select bungee, hold right or left do not hold up, and press Space. You will bungee mid air floating.

Walking tele trick:
Have the weapon 1 before tele ready, backflip (backspace backspace) then click mid air, walk around anywhere and press Space to tele to that spot you clicked earlier.

Jump on Placement:
When placing your worm make sure about half the worm bodie is underground, then hold either
Enter - Normal Jump from tele
Backspace - Up jump from tele
Enter+Backspace - (Enter Enter Jump) Back jump
and click while holding one of those keys to make the worm jump, you can also hold a directional key (left or right) at the same time and the worm will turn before jumping.

Mine on head:
Backflip, and just before you hit the ground press Enter and the mine will come out and bounce giving you enough time to walk under it.

Flying drowned worms:
This one requires setting up. Make a level with a Indy Border and make the water level 3 pixels high in the Water Level bar in the Editor. Enter the game with ropes, rope into the ground at a high angle dont skim the water and do not press space while doing this. You worm will die and its drowned bodie will leap out of the water then land back in. (Can get quite high if done right.)

Max Damage with Clusters:
If a worm is on a slope and you can bounce him up into the air by jumping under him, walk alittle closer under him, and drop a cluster right down. All the clusters will hit the worm for a max damage of about 70 depending on the power settings for clusters.

Heavy Mines but pushable:
A mine cannot be bounced up with a jump, but if you walk very close to it (touching the side of the mine) and press Enter you can push the mine closer to your enemy but this will set it off.

Dragonball Through 1 Pixel walls:
A dragonball flame can go through 1 pixel walls.

Weapons shot through 3 pixel walls:
A zook, pigeon, homing, mortor, and (not sure about this) sheep launcher can be shot through at max 3 pixel walls (not upward) if touching. Works best aimed directly down.

Homing Missles Under water:
If you aim for a low target to kill a worm from the floor you can shoot a homing missle under water. Just dont use too much power or it will leave the level and never be seen again.

Heavy Nades: If you throw a nade up then jump into it (backflip or upjump) while its falling, you will have your head bashed straight into the ground.

Lower Barrels: Shoot a girder with a shotgun where a barrel is and it will fall with no damage, good for blowing up worms under the barrel.

Arrows traps and ledges:
Arrows can be used to make ledges to climb if shot into a wall, and you can actually trap worms under them.

Dragonball air hit:
Bump a worm into the air using backflip (go under him and backflip) and you can hit him mid air with the dragonball. Gets alot of distance.

Blowtorch pushing:
Blow torches can be used to push worms to there watery or mine death.

Drill Kills:
Either drill another worm into the sea or drill from above hitting the worm into the sea like a prod.

Girder traps:
Girders are good for ledges, but make much better traps.

Aim Bats Directly up:
Choose a weapon that will aim directly up, aim it up, walk to your location, during the walking change to bat using F7, do not stop walking, then when you come to the worm, press space while walking. Allows for any angle you desire, will not work with girders in the scheme cause they get in the way.

Aim Arrows Directly up:
Same as Bat aiming just using F3 and girders have no effect. Aiming it directly up will take ages to land if there is no roof, so only do it to piss people off.

Rope Time:
This is probably the most annoying glitche/trick/thinga in the game, aim a rope where it wont grab anything and keep bashing space super fast for until your go ends, each time the rope comes out, time is frozen, done properly can make your 30 sec turn end up being 6 mins. If you hate everyone and want the game to be ended and everyone annoyed, I reccomend this move to you.

Chute Floating:
Walk up to wall and if the wind is facing into it, backflip up and press space early, hold Up and the direction of the wall and you will just hover for aslong as you hold those keys. Eg.

|worm wind|<<<<<<| hold up and left.

Chute with weapons on your head:
Select a weapon like Dynamite, then press enter and hold down and the direction into the dyna, then try to stay still as possible and float with the dyna on your head. Can be done with most dropable weapons just harder to do with things like moles, and cows.

Shoot worms up with Uzi:
If your under a worm, use uzi to launch the worm into the air by shooting directly up at it.

Flying with mortors:
Climb onto a barrel, walk to the left or right side but stay on it, aim a mortor 45 degrees down, and press space, high flying.

Burning Rope:
Select Petrol Bomb and press Enter while roping fast and you will get hit by the petrol and leave flames behind you (will end your turn)

Waste a Freezed worm:
Drop a mine or petrol on a froze worm to waste his next turn in pain.

Fast walking without the fastwalk:
Keep right clicking in a medium paced time and you will walk alot faster.

Surrender 1 worm:
Select Surrender and press space exactly at 0 and only one worm will be surrendered (super duper hard to do)

Jetpack onto Indy Roof:
Get a worm to walk to the side of the game so hes leaning off it, then get another worm on his head, right out of the level and then jetpack directly up and onto the indy roof. Dont walk too far!

Chute onto Indy Roof:
Either blowtorch to edge about 20 pixels from the roof or girder to it, then firepuch the bit of ground above you and the roof. Turn around, face inwards to the level, backflip and chute up, dont wait too long or you will die.

Catching a Invis Worm:
Listen to his movements more then watching the screen. If he falls you will automatically know where he is, but if hes jumping, check where you would need to do such a jumping combo. Eg if he keeps backfliping, hes probably trying to get on a high ledge, look for some in the screen hes showing. Easiest way to find a Invis worm, set screen to 640 x 480, gives you a really small area to search.

Hiding as a Invis worm:
Use chutes to move, then your deadly slient. While chuting, select a girder or tele and slowly move it in the opposite direction of where you are, as if your walking there or moving there. If there worm is by a wall, tele on his head, he wont walk back to check if you where there. Use Girders, Teles, Chutes, Ropes, Jetpacks, Select Worms, Prod, Bungees and you wont become un-invisible. Go for prod kills and rope knocks, even bungee knocks. Placement on a worms head, is often extremely effective.

BnG cheating:
Aim directly up on your go, and tap right or left, remember your taps and do a full powered nade at 4 secs, if you miss next go just tap more or less till you hit. However lame it is, its legal aslong as you change your aim every go but just aim directly up after you did the silly "reaiming" crap.

Also a ton of things you can do to edit Replays and make them cool and funny, and you can try completely new things with memory editors, if you want to know how to make worms walk on water, float in the sky forever, jump super high, skim the entire level and come back to the other side, have wind effected jumps aka jump into the wind and youll get blown really far back (super funny), aim ropes directly down, or alot more other tricks including bringing people into games without them lighting up (only works on patches before 20.1) then email, pm me, or aim me. Adios. Enjoy.
28.07.04 00:31
Post #1
Last edited: 31.10.04 17:46 (Squiffel - 6 times) [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]dj canada
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I knew/know most of these bug/glitches already, but 2 or 3 I didn't realize. Thanks []squiffel. I normaly only use these bug/glitches in games where I am fucking around in (warmer type games). Except for the 'aim arrow up' one, I always do that in FLY SHOPPER games, when I'm lossing horribly. A couple of times the noob hosts quit on me becuase they tought the game crashed... :( :(

I shall have to try the UZI trick, Surrender One Worm Trick and the Chute floating Trick, sometime,

But I do not like the BnG cheat trick, I bitch at poeple all the time for it. I set an example by moving my aimmer a full up and down before I shoot.

FYI: the dragon ball trick on some Battle Race maps is funny. Depending on the map, using that trick you can get quite far in the lead, very cheaply, agreed. But if they are smart, they will do the same to you. :)

An Added Note... I don't mind poeple using the bugs to thier advantage, but PLEASE do not use it too much... It will either put you off as a bad HOST or a bad PLAYER... And never use bugs in a turny game...

And 'if' and 'when' ranked games come... stuff like this will be REALLY frowned upon... and eventully no one but the 'newbies' will play you..
28.07.04 03:19
Post #2
Last edited: 28.07.04 03:24 (DJ Canada - 2 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]Star Worms
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For "Aim Bats Directly Up" you need to make sure that in the scheme there are no girders, blowtorches or pneumatic drills.

28.07.04 09:13
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Flying drowned worms:
This one requires setting up. Make a level with a Indy Border and make the water level 3 pixels high in the Water Level bar in the Editor. Enter the game with ropes, rope into the ground at a high angle dont skim the water and do not press space while doing this. You worm will die and its drowned bodie will leap out of the water then land back in. (Can get quite high if done right.)

I've actually managed to to that one or two times by mistake. I looks really weird.


Rope Time:
This is probably the most annoying glitche/trick/thinga in the game, aim a rope where it wont grab anything and keep bashing space super fast for until your go ends, each time the rope comes out, time is frozen, done properly can make your 30 sec turn end up being 6 mins. If you hate everyone and want the game to be ended and everyone annoyed, I reccomend this move to you.

28.07.04 10:34
Post #4
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i tried all of them, but some of them i just could not get
pfft, i suck..
28.07.04 11:31
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I knew a few of them. When I'm playing death matches I always like to shoot the bridge with the worm/girder ontop of it and make em drop down. Good for piles. :D
28.07.04 14:01
Post #6
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[G]dj canada
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Quoted :: Star Worms

For "Aim Bats Directly Up" you need to make sure that in the scheme there are no girders, blowtorches or pneumatic drills.

The way I do it is, I do a back flip and Press F7 the right number of times, and make sure you are walking right when you land
28.07.04 14:39
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[]Star Worms
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Quoted :: DJ Canada

The way I do it is, I do a back flip and Press F7 the right number of times, and make sure you are walking right when you land
It's not wrong, it makes it much easier to do that's all.

28.07.04 15:11
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Quoted :: Star Worms

For "Aim Bats Directly Up" you need to make sure that in the scheme there are no girders, blowtorches or pneumatic drills.

The only reason that you could possibly have for that is if you want to do the trick while standing still.
28.07.04 16:35
Post #9
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wow these are awesome, im gonna go do the arrow trick!
28.07.04 17:03
Post #10
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[G]dj canada
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I always try to use the AIM up bat trick for when I wanna get a worm into the water but I'm at a bad angel for it. Remeber, It doesn't have to be stright UP ;)
28.07.04 17:28
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You might wanna make it clear what game you are talking about Squiff... :D


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
29.07.04 20:51
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Quoted :: Squiffel
Flying drowned worms:
This one requires setting up. Make a level with a Indy Border and make the water level 3 pixels high in the Water Level bar in the Editor. Enter the game with ropes, rope into the ground at a high angle dont skim the water and do not press space while doing this. You worm will die and its drowned bodie will leap out of the water then land back in. (Can get quite high if done right.)

Wasn't I the first one who showed you this?

30.07.04 04:29
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Quoted :: Duke

Wasn't I the first one who showed you this?

Quoted :: Squiffel

I didnt invent any of these tricks, So dont give me credit for inventing them, just credit for teaching everyone them and writing this entire bloody long thing.


An image!

30.07.04 10:26
Post #14
Last edited: 30.07.04 10:28 (Docta_Shade - 1 times) [Hide Sig (5)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Yeah Zippy, Im not taking credit for what you did , im just writing it down. I cant say for sure who invented them so im just not claiming anyone.

Updated the list with several more, if you think of any ive missed tell me ill add it.
30.07.04 14:38
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