
BTForum » BlameTheOffTopic Forums » BlameTheArt » AVI to GIF?

[G]dj canada
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Is there a free program out there that WORKS and edit AVI to make them smaller in size and run better. Or what im really looking for is a program that can easily convert AVI clips into GIF animations.
21.07.04 23:30
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Yeah, I know that's possible, because I've seen movie clips in .gif format. However, I don't know of any program. I take it you've already searched in Google?
22.07.04 01:38
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Man all it takes is 2 secs to search google. It might not work so I apologize if it doesn't.
22.07.04 10:25
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If it's a free program you're searching for, try searching on

Learn to look, look to learn.
22.07.04 10:30
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...or the site SPAZ linked us to, :P
22.07.04 14:01
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