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I was just wondering what is the best programs 4 making nameplates and how u made them? I would like 2 make my own but all i hv is crappy paint.

Please Help


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21.07.04 20:55
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uhm, i suggest paint shop pro 8. its a good program.


21.07.04 21:18
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hmmm. Also the damn sig url won't work. this just aint my day. Is there any online plate creation sites that you knoe of?


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21.07.04 21:21
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It's because you didn't use
Photoshop is the best kind of extreme graphic nameplate maker.
21.07.04 23:03
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The best combination seems to be Fireworks + Photoshop. At least, that's how The Pope makes his plates
22.07.04 07:43
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Yeah, although I only do that because the layers management for photoshop is awful compared to fireworks. Text and base background in fireworks, fancy filters in photoshop, export and then edit once more and add clearer text.

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22.07.04 08:18
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No online creation sites then?


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

22.07.04 09:37
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Not that I know of, unless you want to use scribbler for your plates. :roll:
22.07.04 10:06
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Layer management is way easier than in Fireworks, I can't fully understand how it works. Your layout must suck Pope. I'd just make everything fresh in Photoshop. But fireworks is good for pixeling, but I do it all in photoshop still.
22.07.04 14:42
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Same here. I do most of my nameplates in PS. I don't do many nameplates though anymore. I really should start making some.

*goes to make more*
23.07.04 12:28
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I havn't made anything for a while. Might be making some nameplates to change this sucky one :roll:
23.07.04 17:30
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Is fireworks really better than photoshop?
If if it is then tell me where to dload it at.
23.07.04 18:37
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Well really it's a matter of opinion. They both have their strengths and weaknesses so it's just a matter of preference. I think you can d/l a trial version of FireWorks at
23.07.04 20:52
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