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I'm curently using c1's smilys, because I love the :) smily and the ;) smily. On tuv'a hands, I hate the :P what I use alot. I thought being able to choose what smily from each pack and use those as your smilys without having the ones you don't like would be good.
Nothing importantay, but meh.
13.07.04 19:42
Post #1
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Let me guess, another column in the user table? :p
13.07.04 21:26
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it'd have to be a proper extra related table. Suers has about 250 cols now lol.

I'd like to see this because it'd force us to put smilies into a database and we could allow additions on single ones with packs available to select or simply making your own.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
13.07.04 21:54
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Quoted :: ReadMe

I'd like to see this because it'd force us to put smilies into a database.

Lol. Sounds like a yes to me.
14.07.04 14:41
Post #4
Last edited: 14.07.04 14:55 (XxfuzzballxX - 2 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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yer thats quite a good idea, but also would it be possible not to have a limit on how many smilies you can have in *your* customised set?
14.07.04 17:15
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I'd guess that would be quite possible.

I can see one way of doing it would be to put the text you want changing into one box and then the URL of the image it should be changed to, then make it so the php will do that.

14.07.04 18:55
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So you can customize your smilies completely? It sounds quite good, but if you add a smilie like :joking: and make it show up as some smiling guy, then people wouldn't know about that smilie and probably never use it.:|
15.07.04 13:30
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Sounds like a fun idea to me.

15.07.04 13:46
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Quoted :: Duke

Sounds like a fun idea to me.

yeah for me too i think its a great idea. the smileys are being used alot on btp and it would be funny if u could pickn mix.


16.07.04 19:46
Post #9
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I left a sugestion in sugestions.php

I use bloopys smiley scheme and i sometimes forget what the actual smiley realy was or is, so perhaps when you bring your mouse pointer over a smiley image it will say what "smile" it is

and I like what Star Worm said, I was going to suggest the same thing
17.07.04 06:27
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If you right-click on the image and look at its properties, it will give you an idea of what emoticon it's supposed to be.
17.07.04 19:33
Post #11
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[G]dj canada
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yah but thats anoying to do, and for some of them it still doesnt say what the code is (Ie : rolleye :), running your mouse over the image would be so much easier

and this way if it get chaged to that each smiley scheme that a user picks is shown in his/her posts alone, poeple wont be confused when they see a dancing Hippopotamus and wonder if they left a Happy Face or a Sad Face
18.07.04 04:33
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Sounds like a good idea.

A possible way to do it might be to add another smily set which links to dynamic pages that load the smily of your choosing in your profile or somewhere.

Custom smilies that everybody could use would be really neat!


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
19.07.04 03:17
Post #13
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I really think that it should be an option in your profile if you want different smilies in different posts like that. I don't think I would want it.
19.07.04 09:46
Post #14
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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this all sounds very interesting

i would definently use it. although i quite like C1's smileys. :D
19.07.04 16:39
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