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Seriously, there must be some reason why people call themselves what they do i just wondered how they got there name like, Dvious i used this because it hid my real name and also an ex-girlfriend said i was a devious, caniving f**Ker so there we go thats my name what about all of yours????
05.07.04 12:04
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Well, mine's Homestar. From this particular SB-Email... here.
Also, as anybody can tell, my sigworm is Zim


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05.07.04 14:04
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LoL..i just made up my name in a French class. Sumthin to do with the word Bureaux and sumthin else. And sumhow i came up with ThingeoX :D
05.07.04 14:16
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Duke is below the rank of whatever is below King and Queen. I picked this name bcuz we had a dog at my house named Duke. He left tho...

08.07.04 16:03
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Hey Megalomaniac
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My dog died too :( Name was Frisco (miniature shnouzer, or however you spell it), he always stunk really bad. Towards the end of his life, he was really miserable. He was half-blind, and had a number of disorders/diseases. But he was cool :cry:


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08.07.04 20:12
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I didnt come up with my name, my parents gave it too me when i was born :D
No just kidding tee hee i suppose i used it cause thats the kind of gamer i am ROGUISH (hide in the shadows and snipe my enemies) ifu know what i mean.
Sorry 2 hear about ur dog Thnikk :(
09.07.04 16:05
Post #6
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i got my name from Sonic The Hedgehog. i love that game. its cool.:D sorry about yer dog the way, how do u get your name on that thingie like that?:mrgreen:
09.07.04 22:56
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i skate of course, my name is usuallt wrestlenovi though because i was on the high-school wrestling team for novi
10.07.04 04:33
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[G]the candy man
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Oooooo ha, i have a story. I used to play Warcraft before worms, and My friends Nic was Almighty Ian, i thought it sounded cool so tried to thunk of something like that...Supremeoverlord (hence my email address) Aafter a while of playing warcraft i moved onto Worms... but there was supposedly already someone called Supreme Overlord and so i took the name The Candy Man for no apparent reason, apart from i like candehhh :P
10.07.04 14:31
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: xDMTxSonic

how do u get your name on that thingie like that?:mrgreen:

...Of course. The name thingy. :P I assume you mean my sig. It was made by me in Fireworks, although I still would like a better one :P


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10.07.04 14:53
Post #10
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i have fire works but im in the process of downloading adobe photoshop fireworks is just so bloody tricky to use
10.07.04 23:04
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Doubt it's that hard.
Fuzzball, started from chaz (lmao) in my newbie days, it got boring as my supream skills increased (yeah, right) and I saw one day, out from the corner of my eye, the name, the almight fuzz, I decided I wanted the next best thing, hence fuzzball.
12.07.04 19:39
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[]Star Worms
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I liked Star Wars and Worms and I stuck them together...

13.07.04 11:07
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i like star wars too
19.07.04 14:03
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i dont even no how i thought of it but it comes from a character created in the game warcraft

04.08.04 23:20
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