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Quoted :: ReadMe

80gig usb hard drive arrived today, hows that for a backup strategy?

id say pretty damn good!
15.07.04 23:18
Post #46
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Quoted :: XxSpIDerxX

Quoted :: C1

Anyone have a burning program they can send that:
-creates exact copies of discs
-can create music discs
- can make data discs that can have data added to them later on.

If possible, I would like HP RecordNow.

HP RecordNow? Don't have it. However, i have a version of Nero 6 Ultra Edition lying around, a fresh one. Should i send it over?

Can you re-burn data discs to add more data?

Quoted :: ReadMe

80gig usb hard drive arrived today, hows that for a backup strategy?

USB? Is that one of those portable hard drives?
16.07.04 00:00
Post #47
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well kinda, it draws power from the mains supply so it's not truly portable - it's still pretty damn good so.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
16.07.04 13:52
Post #48
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Quoted :: C1

Can you re-burn data discs to add more data?

Yes, if you didn't finalize the CD when burning for the first time.
16.07.04 15:15
Post #49
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Ah, everyone's telling me about Nero 6. It sounds good, but last nite we tried and tried to crack an older version (since the newest version couldn't be cracked yet). The crack wasn't successful. And I don't get what you mean by "finalize"

Talk about this subject ry3695
if Readme decides this topic is inappropriate.
16.07.04 15:22
Post #50
Last edited: 16.07.04 15:23 (C1 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Yes, let's end this before the thread is closed. Check your PMs
16.07.04 15:40
Post #51
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