
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheSuggestions » An option to not show 20 or more days old threads

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I'd like that option, that would prevent accidentally posting on old threads (Not everyone looks at the bottom and sees the "THIS THREAD IS OVER 20 DAYS OLD!" text).
03.07.04 08:52
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Hey Megalomaniac
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IMO, that's not such a good idea. I look over them sometimes for reference to stuff I need help with. But if I need to know something? Oops, it's not there anymore. Sometimes I have a question that would make me look like a n00b to ask someone. Maybe just LOCK the thread?


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03.07.04 22:55
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Quoted :: xEViLxCAtx

I'd like that option, that would prevent accidentally posting on old threads (Not everyone looks at the bottom and sees the "THIS THREAD IS OVER 20 DAYS OLD!" text).

Your a complete idiot then. We even removed the quick reply boxes for those too stupid to read the text. So if you that stupid to not read the text after noticing the quick reply box is missing, then i don't know what to say.
04.07.04 05:07
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The quick reply box is only gone in the LAST PAGE of the thread. It still exists in the 1st page of any more-than-1 page threads. Some people don't even use the quick reply box

You wouldn't need to enable that option if you wouldn't like it.
05.07.04 10:49
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Last edited: 05.07.04 10:51 (xEViLxCAtx - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Whoa, he's right. Look at this:
First page -
Second page -
Last page -

Notice that the quick reply box is properly missing in the last page, but the first two pages still have it shown. Might be a good idea to fix this...
05.07.04 17:57
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