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I was all like... Glitching my games and stuff with the cheats. The game I will show you is Conker's Bad Fur Day. I will not post all of my images at once, I would feel better if ppl would show there glitch pics as well. A lot of have played this game and will understand why these glithes are so weird.

More N's in the background?
An image!

This picture scared me and split to death.
An image!

An image!

You can see all of Conker's buddies in the bar b4 he gets in the bar.
An image!

The soiler squirrels' legs thru tables and such.
An image!

No barrel in back of the skull (Gregg's) head icon.
An image!

Please post you're glitches... If you don't know how to do that. Then plz ask:P

27.06.04 22:56
Post #1
Last edited: 27.06.04 22:57 (Zippy - 1 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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:lol: Those are great Duke, post more! I don't have any glitch pictures, sadly. I once had a glitch in THPS3 where you could go in a circle for hours and hours, and one in the same level where you would be stuck in the air.
27.06.04 23:26
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A transparent Temple map, you can see the Raptor coming from his side of the map.
An image!

All the villagers listening to the Sargent b4 the Beach game starts.
An image!

A villager inside the Tediz base in Beach.
An image!

Another shot of a villager in the Tediz base. You can tell it's Beach because of the Vitamans in the back.
An image!

There's no phone box!
An image!

This is what the Panther King looks like.
An image!

Juggling while talking about a new ability.
An image!

Do you see Conker's mouth? It wasn't supposed to be shown.
An image!

28.06.04 00:27
Post #3
Last edited: 28.06.04 00:29 (Zippy - 2 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Well, I can't remember any glitches for N64 games (I used to know alot) but I do know some for the Playstation. Most people that have played Star Ocean 2 have seen this one, but I'll tell you anyway. There was a character named Claude that could learn a technique called Head Splitter. He jumped high into the air, and then came down and impaled the enemy with it. Now's when the fun begins. If he landed just right on the very back of an enemy (it had to be a large one), he'd miss and fall through the terrain. He'd just keep falling through more and more terrains (the game kept creating them so he could eventually land), and each time he fell through one the colors got more and more bizarre. Finally, the game would just lock up from it, but it was pretty funny the first time you did it. But not so funny when you did it on the last boss of the game... :/
28.06.04 02:51
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When Conker finally jumps out of the mechanical suit, you can see red rims of his eyes back there.
An image!

The only thing supposed to be showing is Conker, the row of weapons, and that "C:" thing. But you see, the mechanical suit is burried under the ground.
An image!

Remember that part in the "Barn Boys" chapter where that mouse explodes of too much cheese? Well of course it shows his head after he exlodes and his eyes blink showing that he is alive. But there is a body below him.
An image!

There is no way you can stand there and have the thought bubble come up. Until now ;)
An image!

A Raptor standing on the very bottom of the game.
An image!

A squirrel running with his head off. You can tell it's not a fake by the display of 6 chocolates at the top left.
An image!

A squirrel missing half his head holding a chainsaw, and a Teddy that was shot in the face and cut with that exact chainsaw.
An image!

How I made these Glitches, is I used the "Project 64" Emulator and made it Full Screen mode then hit Alt+Esc so it minimizes, then you click back in the game and bam, glitch time. I also mixed up some cheats that came with the ROM.

28.06.04 03:21
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Jeez... I love these glitches. Thank god i can do this too. these are so funny they make me wanna piss.
28.06.04 05:43
Post #6
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[]The Pope
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Those screenshots aren't so much glitches, as they are the emulator and the game not made to be handled by a computer...

Learn to look, look to learn.
28.06.04 06:45
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Aw Pope, I thought you would really love these...

Conker thinking he can dive.
An image!

No devil?
An image!

Conker is making the facial expressions, but not moving his arms.
An image!

An image!

Tediz trying to kill me on the ceiling!
An image!

No little girl?
An image!

Me using the levitating cheat, when I turned it off I fell back down but the Experiment kept going up.
An image!

(Ocorina of Time) Another levitation shot, on a game where you can't even jump. You can see his shadow.
An image!

Drinking Fiz while learning how to use the frying pan.
An image!

28.06.04 10:25
Post #8
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Is this supposed to be art?

Oh yeah couldn't you have made the images smaller? like compressed jpgs?
28.06.04 13:55
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Well you could... say that...

Would this be art? Maybe, but I don't know how this happened.
An image!
Edit: I could've, I thought PNG would be more clearer. Sorry if I made all ur comps lag.

28.06.04 14:13
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i refuse to view any of the conker's bad fure day images,, i don't want to ruin any part of the plot:)

but your bound to get fults on your n64 emulator, conker has transparent legs for me:S

28.06.04 16:09
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Quoted :: The Pope

Those screenshots aren't so much glitches, as they are the emulator and the game not made to be handled by a computer...

I was thinking exactly the same...
Although I do remember one glitch on the N64 from perfect dark, me and my mate would always play mulitplayer and found this once. In one of the levels there is a lift and if one of goes up the lift to the top then the other gets on, when the lift is coming back up the person at the top moves on top of the person on the lift. Then the lift carrys on going up out of the level and into the dark sky. Then u can see the level slowly gettin smaller as you go furthur up. Then if u move too far u fall and dont stop falling for ages. Oh yeh and if you had a sniper u could zoom in a see loadsa people running around the level.

Heh it got kinda borin after a while


An image!

28.06.04 18:13
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That one from Ocarina of Time, I've done that before on an N64. Except I was Adult Link. It had something to do with the Hover Boots on how I ended up stuck there, but I can't remember...

And let us not forget the classic NES glitch, the jiggle-the-game-around-until-it-stops-flashing-colors-and-starts-working glitch with old NES's (yeah, I really don't know very many N64 glitches :/).
28.06.04 18:21
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

it just says "An Image!" and i can't see anything

An image!
28.06.04 20:05
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those large images ate up his monthly bandwidth allowance.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
28.06.04 21:37
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