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Poll: Who Should Be DMT co-leader
Thnikkaman 5 users
Rogue 0 users
rl47 3 users
Dethnight 0 users
AJ47 0 users
Abstain 3 votes
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As u now know Ishay has left to become leader of another clan so i need a new co-leader.U decide.
27.06.04 18:15
Post #1
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I no i can't really vote for myself but i'm willing to actually run for co-leader. :lol:

I no its gonna be a hard job but its worth a go. 8)


28.06.04 18:56
Post #2
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Hey Megalomaniac
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I'm not so sure if I should consider it... I'm thinking about hanging up Worms for a while, what with my new games and my stupid time limits. I'm certainly not on enough to take control over 5-10 people.


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28.06.04 22:09
Post #3
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lol a lot of people have told me on wormnet that u should be co-leader. How did u become so popular ???
29.06.04 14:33
Post #4
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Hey Megalomaniac
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'Cause I got flavah. And da style. Actually, I dunno.


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29.06.04 15:39
Post #5
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and coz ur the Thinkkaman, hes the coolest! ;) :lol:

even tho i already voted for rl47, still think u shud be co-leader thnikk



29.06.04 20:05
Post #6
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Yeah 20x6! I 20x6'ded you good :lol:


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29.06.04 20:58
Post #7
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:D Yay Thnikkaman 4 President :D
he gets my vote!
30.06.04 12:50
Post #8
Last edited: 30.06.04 12:51 (Rogue - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Oh btw if there is sum1 else u would like to vote for that is not on the list plz tell me and i will add them ;)
30.06.04 19:28
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I voted abstain, of course I did that before I saw Thinkkaman's name up there:). Keep the clan going guys, because mine may die.

01.07.04 11:27
Post #10
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the legendary WG die i thought you wouldnt let that happen duke! where has ishay gone then?
04.07.04 15:31
Post #11
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He left to be leader of WF..but for sum reason he is in 3 clans now (not including DMT)
04.07.04 15:48
Post #12
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[G]the candy man
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such a loyal member..... NOT!
04.07.04 20:58
Post #13
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who needs him anyway!
04.07.04 21:38
Post #14
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