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I was bored one night a few days ago, so I decided to work on my OWN sig. And here's what ended up coming out. Before you ask, that's Magus from Chrono Trigger on the left, and Nightmare from Soul Calibur 2 on the right.

An image!

Questions? Comments? Observations?
25.06.04 16:42
Post #1
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Wow... in my opinion it's pretty good. You should make it smaller, though. :P
25.06.04 16:44
Post #2
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Good sig... I like Soul Calibur II, and I would probably like Chrono Trigger. I'm at my best with Nightmare, second only to Link.


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
25.06.04 16:45
Post #3
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not bad glenn, maybe make it a little smaller a maybe a better font and it should look perfect!
25.06.04 17:21
Post #4
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Well, here's a resizing. The origonal image was 550x176. This one is 520x150. Notice how that small size adjustment makes a big difference in the lay of the text (if you couldn't tell, I don't like the resize much :/).
Oh yes, and the fonts of my nickname in the middle, from left to right are: Comic Sans MS, Onyx, Westminister, Imprint MT Shadow, Calvin. They're all set to bold, italics, and font sizes around 30 (adjusted for each one so they are as even as possible).

An image!
25.06.04 20:41
Post #5
Last edited: 25.06.04 20:46 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
Hey Megalomaniac
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Heh, sorta looks like you can't tell who's saying what in the resized version. Although Nightmare's statement should give it away ;)


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
25.06.04 20:43
Post #6
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Yeah, I know, that's why I don't like it. The finished version will probably be 550x150, just so you can get the quotes...
25.06.04 20:47
Post #7
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The resized one looks better, IMHO. Less empty space
25.06.04 21:00
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Yes, but empty space can be good if it's used properly...
25.06.04 21:23
Post #9
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The Good Die Young
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I think u should make the characters opacity lower so its kinda transparant, and also hav a texture on the background and make ur text have an outline and a dropshadow.
But good work Glenn :lol:

Edit: I voted Good Job!
and im also downloading chrono trigger :D


An image!

26.06.04 15:24
Post #10
Last edited: 26.06.04 15:28 (Docta_Shade - 1 times) [Hide Sig (5)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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Thats pretty good, but if you ask me, the black and white background is a bit basic?
Add some textures and some filters maybe?
26.06.04 16:28
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Well, here's another crack at it. I did a bit with brightness/contrast. It's sized to 550x160 now. Oh, and the whole idea is for the background to look that way, and textures don't work well in the long run...

An image!
26.06.04 21:50
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the smaller version looks much better:)
but i'm with docta shade here, the text does need an outline and a drop shaddow:)

27.06.04 13:08
Post #13
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That might make it in there, in a day or so, you know, whenever I feel like changing it...
27.06.04 20:41
Post #14
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