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I recently wanted to start a comic with characters in it from BtP. Right now the characters are only
ZogGer! - The cool undercover agent, always calm. Wears shades. 8)
Me - An eskimo.
The Pope - A pope. :lol:
HarrY - AKA "Hairy" - Take a look at his crazy hair style! :)
Bloopy - The alien worm, Bloopy.
ReadMe - A regular worm with slightly long hair, favorite weapon is the ban icon. :P
Star Worms - A Jedi Master with a green lightsaber :D

These are the only characters. To those of you that feel left out, I'll be adding some more characters in different parts of the story as we move along. I'm planning to add C1, DeathBringer, Dumazz, igotworms, and psymon, and Wish soon. Others will be added as well.

NOTE TO POPE AND BLOOPY: I went ahead and used your trademark pope and alien images for your char. If you don't want me using them, tell me right away and I'll make something else.

NOT TO C1: Sry if you consider this a copy of your Contra Clan comic. I'm not trying to steal your viewers, and then again I won't, because you're much more skilled and I'm a newbie. This was just something to do for fun. ;)
25.06.04 13:35
Post #1
Last edited: 25.06.04 14:08 (joetheeskimo5 - 2 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Hmm, seems nice suprised you didn't use the more active users though.
25.06.04 13:52
Post #2
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Quoted :: XxfuzzballxX

Hmm, seems nice suprised you didn't use the more active users though.

Well, besides me (:P), I used all of the users that stand out to me most. Who do you think I should have added?

EDIT: I've been talking with Bloopy, and with his help I've put together an original idea fr a storyline. You can still take a look at the current comic, but I'm gonna tweak and re-post it with a different story line so C1 doesn't sue me for copyright infringement.
25.06.04 13:56
Post #3
Last edited: 25.06.04 14:09 (joetheeskimo5 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]The Pope
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Comics aren't anything new, so no need to be apologising to anybody.

I'll also happily give you the png of my popeworm for use in the comic; any other worm sprites you need, I'll happily make too :D

Nice hair joke :lol:

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25.06.04 17:57
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Quoted :: The Pope

Comics aren't anything new, so no need to be apologising to anybody.

Yeah, but it's just like C1's, with the pixel army, and stuff...:\
25.06.04 18:50
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Well i was talking about me, lol.
No, but seriously i was just talking in general.
25.06.04 20:38
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Quoted :: XxfuzzballxX

Well i was talking about me, lol.
No, but seriously i was just talking in general.

No, but seriously give me some examples. :P
25.06.04 20:58
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Quoted :: joetheeskimo5

I recently wanted to start a comic with characters in it from BtP. Right now the characters are only
ZogGer! - The cool undercover agent, always calm. Wears shades. 8)
Me - An eskimo.
The Pope - A pope. :lol:
HarrY - AKA "Hairy" - Take a look at his crazy hair style! :)
Bloopy - The alien worm, Bloopy.
ReadMe - A regular worm with slightly long hair, favorite weapon is the ban icon. :P
Star Worms - A Jedi Master with a green lightsaber :D

These are the only characters. To those of you that feel left out, I'll be adding some more characters in different parts of the story as we move along. I'm planning to add C1, DeathBringer, Dumazz, igotworms, and psymon, and Wish soon. Others will be added as well.

NOTE TO POPE AND BLOOPY: I went ahead and used your trademark pope and alien images for your char. If you don't want me using them, tell me right away and I'll make something else.

NOT TO C1: Sry if you consider this a copy of your Contra Clan comic. I'm not trying to steal your viewers, and then again I won't, because you're much more skilled and I'm a newbie. This was just something to do for fun. ;)

I would just like to say, uh, all the people in those comics are already used in my comic :P I have Zogger, Harry, Bloopy, Pope and Pope. As well as tons of others. These are the characters from season 1 and 2.
26.06.04 03:37
Post #8
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[]The Pope
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Pope and pope?

BTW, how many episodes are you planning to make joe?

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26.06.04 05:59
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@ C1 - We're discussing this through PM, just one thing - 95% of those characters AREN'T in my comic, and that's the point here. The point ISN'T that 5% ARE in my comics. With a number that small, it's not exactly a duplicate.

@ Pope - Why do you ask? I usually just let it go where It happens to go. With my matrix comic, I never really had an idea of how many I had, but I ended up with 4. But I'm going to make this one a lot less rushed.
26.06.04 13:11
Post #10
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[]The Pope
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I'm just interested if it's going to be an ongoing thing or you've already drawn plans up for a set amount of episodes.

Learn to look, look to learn.
26.06.04 13:14
Post #11
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joe dont worry about anything, i loved your matrix comics, so im sure these are gona be just as good...

also if you like you could put me in one of your comics :)
im just a normal sprite worm with some sort of visor over my eyes....
26.06.04 13:19
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Quoted :: VisioN

joe dont worry about anything, i loved your matrix comics, so im sure these are gona be just as good...

also if you like you could put me in one of your comics :)
im just a normal sprite worm with some sort of visor over my eyes....

Think you could send me a sprite of you to use, or should I make it myself? (I'm happy to do teh second one, I love editing sprites :D)

@ Pope: It'll be an ongoing thing, like my Adventures of Spaceman Squid movies; several missions, several stories.
26.06.04 13:42
Post #13
Last edited: 26.06.04 13:43 (joetheeskimo5 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
Hey Megalomaniac
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Well, I drew him over in the Oh no! More worms thread, a while ago, like this:
An image!


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
26.06.04 14:02
Post #14
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wish also drew me as a worm,
An image!

so anything like thnik's version of me or wish's would be great, just gota be something to do with my eyes, my vision :)
26.06.04 14:13
Post #15
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