
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms 3D Discussion » W3D PS2

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I have only played the ps2 version of w3d. I myself like it. I havent played it on pc though. It doesnt work when i download it. I think the pc w3d would be better but i dont know... so you guys tell m, this isnt a poll either.
22.06.04 21:40
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The things that are better about the PC version:
1) It can be patched.
2) New features can be added in the future.
3) There's WormNet (but it's apparantly in some dissarray right now).
4) It apparantly doesn't suffer from that one bug. Can't remember what it was, something that would just crash the game on consoles due to a high polygon count...

I'm sure I'll come up with something else later.
23.06.04 00:02
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Quoted :: Glenn

4) It apparantly doesn't suffer from that one bug. Can't remember what it was, something that would just crash the game on consoles due to a high polygon count...

I've only heard that reported on the GC version.

23.06.04 12:25
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It happened to my friend on the PS2 before. Now if only I could remember what we called that 'bug'...
23.06.04 17:59
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I would say the PC version, but only for the fact that you can play across the net...
26.06.04 14:21
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Net play seems entirely useless when 96% of the community are on W:A/WWP.

Most people like Worms as an unchanging experience, and if I could change my mind I would get it for PS2 now. PC is annoying w/ mouse reactivity sometimes, epecially when you're tired.
04.07.04 14:31
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[G]dj canada
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i love controller over keyboard/mouse ANYDAY

however.... the store(s) around where I live dont seem to carry ANY worms games for the console systems... Ive honeslty never seen ANY worms games for console systems anywhere.... it ticks me off a bit

i still think for games like this PC is better, just becuase....
16.07.04 20:57
Post #7
Last edited: 16.07.04 20:59 (DJ Canada - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Well, what kind of store do you go to then?
because it should sale w3d for ps2.
17.07.04 17:17
Post #8
Last edited: 17.07.04 17:19 (CyraX - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]dj canada
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stupid walmart :roll: lol
18.07.04 13:39
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