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that god dam chanserv has been added 2 wwp 2 aak :evil: and that god damn bi*ch banned me :? just bcuz i was greeting ppl:x is there ne way 2 get unbanned :? or am i banned 4ever :(
21.06.04 02:37
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When u put 3 like msgs in a row or flood, u get kicked by chanserv :evil: but when i get kicked i can go right back into AG and play :S

at least chanserv isnt in our GAMES while we play :P


Drag it!
22.06.04 02:10
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You're only banned for like 10 minutes...

22.06.04 02:15
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10 f***in minuits...i have waited 4 half an hour and im still not allowed to play..CHANSERV IS A F***IN S**T HEAD.All the other channels r crap seeing as hardly ne1 plays in them :evil::evil::evil:.
22.06.04 17:10
Post #4
Last edited: 11.07.04 11:00 (thingeox - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
Hey Megalomaniac
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Don't insult an inanimate object. It's sorta creeping me out ;) But meh, the return of ChanServ has been how to put it... ANNOYING.


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23.06.04 00:41
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I go up to Chanserv and I be all like, "pffff, ur dumb".

23.06.04 02:13
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:evil::evil:ya chanserv is sort of a bitch ass bastard fuckhead shitface. hes annoying. dethnights story happened to me lots of times
10.07.04 23:24
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Here's the thing... Don't get banned! And if you do just go to another channel.

11.07.04 00:23
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Yeh but like i said; all the other channels apart from ag are crap..hardly ne1 plays in them(except for germans,can't understand what they are sayin :evil:)
11.07.04 11:03
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what the hell is that, a sheep?:|:|
12.07.04 12:50
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vv n sig there... lol
12.07.04 13:55
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Sigh... that thing is so old. It's been in countless forums and places :|


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12.07.04 14:54
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lol i didn't know.sum1 just sent it me in an looked funny so i put it as my sig:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
12.07.04 15:52
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if you look at it for a while, it makes you rofl

[edit]yay! 300th post!
13.07.04 23:30
Post #14
Last edited: 13.07.04 23:39 (xSKATEx - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
no ofense but the "evolved yoshi" to pu

P.S.i got that from u thnikkaman
14.07.04 00:32
Post #15

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