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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

ok, well here it is
i am gonna have a go at a long worms movie, not like my little mini sigs. when i say long i mean only about 5 mins at max(if i get that far) i'm not going to reveal anything yet, not until i've made a (p)roper intro. HAHAHA!:lol: sorry!
so i wanted to know if anybody is interested in like partnering up, or giving me some help. i wanted to try and add sound, like music, but not actual voices. i think i have mmy own (c)ompany
i could call my self JI Animations, but i think that has passed it's sell by date lol
or SMP a.k.a. SquelchyMcphee Productions
well email, post or PM me to comment, but this is going to be quite a serious production, and i will hopefully finish it, properly
not like pope's cheap SW:PES llol, nah jokes trhat was cool

An image!
17.06.04 18:09
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[G]the candy man
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id like to help you, sounds good, can you give us an insight into what its going to be about?
17.06.04 18:27
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

well all i can really say, is that it will have something to do with my sword in da stone series
a sort of proper quest,

An image!
17.06.04 19:05
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[G]the candy man
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ok well id like to help you, shall we talk on MSN?
17.06.04 19:10
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Can you even do animations candy man?
18.06.04 03:40
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He can do basic stuff.

Good deal Squelchy. I'll help with animation and spirite editing as well.
18.06.04 10:54
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

ok we got a sort of squad at the mo, and i think our name is "U.V Monkey" hows the logo coming on pope? also, if i dont think your up to it, dont do enough or i dont like you, i can tell you to bu**er off! no offence

An image!
18.06.04 15:29
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Are you going to use Flash to make the animation? Or are you going to use FW and import into Flash? Whichever, I will be glad to add stylish buttons, sounds, and etc. Ask me when I come back from Vegas...
19.06.04 01:04
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Quoted :: Squelchymcphee

i can tell you to bu**er off! no offence

Was that a joke? If not, that's pretty jerky. Your'e lucky he's fuckin helping in the first place.
19.06.04 12:48
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i believe that was a generalised comment indicating that although the help is appreciated, he's still the boss.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
19.06.04 15:37
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

that was what i meant, thanks readme for making it clearer
people will get a special thanks, but i'm doing most of the main animation, i generally need help with maybe some sprite editing, and some flash things(buttons, preloader, sounds...)
i'm going to try to make it in Fireworks MX, then import into Flash and thats where i mainly need help
as help will be very much appreciated

An image!
19.06.04 15:59
Post #11
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I wish to help, i seem not to bad at sprite tampering and editing.
Hope i will be. uh a good member and contributer.
19.06.04 20:37
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i shall help, with my allamazeing blood affect(there will be a need for blood, won't there?)
and amongs many things, like the fantastic firepunch cutting of the land!:D
or blow tortch:)

20.06.04 20:54
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

well if i need help, i will ask, but i havn't started properly yet

An image!
23.06.04 16:24
Post #14
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hmm, well im ok at sprite editing, ive got photoshop, and im getting some animation programs soon, but i guess you have enough people here to help anyway...
23.06.04 16:36
Post #15
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