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[G]dj canada
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i just installed mcafee anti virus, but now when i try and connect onto worm net W:A crashes....

help any toughts...
im at a lost
10.06.04 04:20
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Check your firewalls and forward the applicable ports (maybe someone else could tell you what said ports are, I can't remember :?).

Edit: Okay, nevermind, I found Meia's post on it.

Quoted :: Meiapaul
the ports aere 17010, 17011 and 17012 for all worms games, TCP and UDP, although opening those doesnt solve the problem. On w:a you can enter your ip into the config box and select "force Ip"

Hopefully that helps.
10.06.04 15:11
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Last edited: 10.06.04 15:13 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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but it doesn't explan why it spontailiously crashes:S
i have an idea!
get the latest patch!

w/a didn't work on my good pc(xp) but did on ym crappy laptop(win 98) until the .19 patch:D
the game woulden't even load up:? but i could watch replays:?

10.06.04 19:11
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[G]dj canada
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i got it temporly fixed, my bro installed a new anti virus prgram on the computer and fucked it up, im missing system32.exe now
11.06.04 20:47
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I gat norton 2004(free for me :) ) its much better. I doesnt have any firewall problems with it.

If norton 2004 isnt free for u its worth to buy it. :)


12.06.04 13:15
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